3: One Eventful Day

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Edited: 29/09/2022

Three days later...

"Tori, would you like to come shopping with me? We could get lunch and ice-cream" I smiled as I leaned against her doorframe.

"Yeah, that would be awesome" she said, extending her words.

"Go and get dressed and I will go and tell your brother where we are going" I said, walking towards Caleb's room.

"Caleb" I said knocking on the door.

"Go away."

"No" I said, pushing the door open to reveal Caleb's naked body tangled up with the blanket.

"You could've warned me that you had no clothes on!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands over my eyes.

"When I said go away that meant do not come in" he responded calmly.

"Can you please put the blanket over your manhood" I said trying to cover my cheeks that were blushing as well as my eyes.

"Maybe I like the fresh air. I mean this is my bedroom, I can do anything I like."

"Whatever, your mum is not home, so I just wanted to ask you if you were okay with Tori and I heading out for a girl's day?"

"Sorry Princess, I can't hear you with your hands over your face."

Even though I could not see his face through my hands, I could tell that he was smirking.

"Bite me. I am not taking my hands off of my eyes. I know that you can understand me so just say yes or no."

"Yes or no" he said mimicking me.

"I am taking that as a yes" I said turning on my heel ready to walk out until Caleb told me to stop.

"Princess stop. Yes, you can take her shopping. She needs to get out of the house so just make sure that she has a good day. By the way, the covers have been put over my 'manhood' as you called it."

I slowly uncovered my eyes, letting out a breath of relief when I saw that he was telling the truth. The only part of his body that was bare was his chest.

"Just so you know, I have been covered since you first closed your eyes" he laughed making me blush harder in embarrassment.

"You are cute when you blush" he said sliding out of the bed so that he was sitting up with the blankets still hiding everything.

"Shut up, I am not blushing. I promise she will have a good day. I will let you know when we are leaving" I said walking out and shutting the door behind me.

"Tori, your brother said we can go the shops. Make sure you have everything, and I will meet you downstairs".

She bounced up and down in excitement "I'm so excited, I cannot wait."

"Me either, it will be nice to get to know you a little bit better" I smiled, making my way into my room.

I pick up my phone to see if I had any text messages or phone calls. After responding to the group chat a few more times, I grabbed my car keys and my wallet before meeting Tori downstairs.

"Caleb, we are going. We will be home later" I yelled from the bottom of the staircase.

Before Tori could even hear Caleb tell her to have a good day, she was out of the door and waiting next to my car. I could not help but let out a little laugh at how adorable she was.

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