23: The BIG Game

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Edited: 02/07/2022

School went by quickly today. It had been our Pyjama fundraiser day today, so we had all dressed up and had a pretty fun day. Thankfully, Chloe had kept her distance, other than a few death stares.

"I am going to get a coffee with Mike and then I will meet you at the game" I smiled to Caleb.

"Sounds good princess, I cannot wait to see you in my jersey" he said, bringing he lips closer to mine.

"I cannot wait to see you win" I smirked, closing the gap between us.

Our lips moved slowly and in-sync with one another. Just as I felt his tongue slide into my mouth, we were pulled apart by Drew and Matt.

"Get a room you two" Drew chuckled.

"We are in the middle of something" Caleb said, walking back towards me and pulling me into his body as his lips found mine once again.

I could stop the chuckle that exploded from within me as I pushed on his chest. He instantly left the kiss laughing at the boy's reactions.

"Yeah, I know. Practice and then the game" Caleb laughed.

"He is so whipped" Matt said to Drew as Caleb and I hugged one last time.

"Just ignore them" Caleb laughed, giving me a quick peck.

"Bye guys, I will see you at the game".

The drive to the café where I was meeting Mike was roughly thirty minutes away. It was a really nice drive, and the coffee was well worth the extra time.

Pulling into the car park, I was really excited to see Mike. I have not seen him since mum did not come home.

"Mikey" I laughed, running up to him.

"Hey Bee" he said, lifting me up and spinning me around.

"You seem happier than the last time I saw you" he pointed out.

"I think anything would be better than the last time you saw me" I stated.

"True" he said, pressing his lips together.

"Speaking of her, have you heard from Mum?" I asked curiously.

"Not really, she wants you to call her."

"Well, I am not going to. I am still so angry and hurt that she just did not come home. Like she would have known she was not going to be home because she did not board her flight so why wait to tell us" I seethed.

"I know, I was pretty cranky with her after she called me. I was heartbroken when I saw how much work you had put in" he sighed.

"I just do not understand her Mikey."

"Me either, but you will always have Sarah and I here" he said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"I know and I love you two for that. How have you and Sarah been?" I asked.

We spoke for close to forty minutes before I had to leave. They were doing really well. We also spoke about his work, my school, Caleb, Julie and Tori and our friends.

I loved Mike and it made me feel extremely lucky knowing that I had him and Sarah there to support me no matter what was going on with Mum.

The drive home involved me singing along to my playlist until I pulled up to the driveway.

"Hey sweetie, we are going to leave for the game in about thirty minutes" Julie yelled out from the kitchen.

Waltzing up the stairs, "I will quickly go and get ready"

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