19: New Student & Pranks

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Edited: 01/07/2022

"Bianca Jones, please report to the office. Bianca Jones." Everyone around me instantly laughed thinking that I was in trouble. To be honest, I had no idea why I was being called to the office.

"Slut" Chloe muttered as I walked past.

"Oh my gosh Choe, did you just see your reflection in a mirror" I said, acting worried. This earnt a round of laughter from the classroom as I skipped away to the office.

Once I arrived, I saw an unfamiliar male waiting by the office doors. "Hi, are you Bianca?" he asked.

"I am, and you are..."

"Hi, I am Alex" he replied politely.

"Oh Bianca, there you are. This is Alex, a new transfer. I was hoping that you could show him around the school for the day?" the principal asked.

"Oh sure, that is completely fine" I smiled towards Alex.

After saying goodbye to the principal, I turned to Alex.

"So, tell me about yourself" I smiled.

"Well, my name is Alex, I moved from a school a few hours away. I am eighteen and I have an older brother who is twenty-three. What about you?"

This went on for a while as we walked down the hall towards his locker. He seemed like a really nice guy, so I was more than happy to show him around.

Before we knew it, it was lunch time. We had been walking around the school talking and I had given a full school tour and the last stop was the cafeteria.

"Hey guys, this is Alex. Alex, this is Noah, Katie, Caleb, Matt, and Drew" I smiled, introducing everyone.

"So, this is where you disappeared off to" Caleb said, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Sure is" I laughed, leaning into his side.

This has become a normal thing for us. I loved how touchy Caleb and I had become. He makes me feel excited and giddy. He makes me laugh and makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world.

"Can I have everyone's attention" a teacher announced from the front of the food court.

"As you all know, the year twelve formal is going to happen at the end of the year, and we are going to need some ideas about themes and fundraisers. I want you to write your ideas on a piece of paper and put them into this box. The principal will decide within a week."

"We would also like to announce that the year twelves will get to go home early every Tuesday and Thursday to study for the HSC."

Our group instantly got talking and we decided that a red-carpet or a starry night theme would be impressive. We also listed a bunch of fundraisers such as a college fair with carnival games like the sledgehammer and bell, dunking booth, kissing booth, laughing clowns, fairy floss etc as well as a pyjama day, superhero day and crazy hair day.

The rest of the day went really well and Alex seemed to fit into our group nicely. Him and Noah got along really well which was nice to see. Today was the day that we invited everyone to Caleb's house for a swim, drinks, and food so we extended the invite to Alex.

The rest of the day went quickly and before I knew it, it was home time and Caleb and I had made our way back to his house.

"I am excited to have a fun night with everyone" I said as we pulled into the driveway.

We had both gone in the same car, whilst everyone else was coming in their own cars.

"So am I. I have missed seeing the boys and it will be good to get to know Alex even more. Not going to lie though, I do love having you all to myself" he smirked.

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