27: It's About Time

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Edited: 02/07/2022

"Bianca, I have been trying to call you" she said quickly.

"I am sorry, our phones died. What is wrong?" I asked.

"She just turned up. I tried warning you, but she did not give me any notice" she rambled.

"Who?" I asked slowly.


That one word almost made my heart stop. Turning to the side, I was completely shocked to see my mum standing there in the lounge room.

"Mum?" I stuttered.

Looking back towards Julie and Caleb, I could tell that they were as shocked as I was.

"It is about time" I rolled my eyes, not knowing what to say.

"Bianca do not start" mum mumbled.

"Are you serious?" I said as my mouth dropped open in surprise.

"Let me explain..." she begun.

"No, you do not get to talk right now. It is my turn" I seethed.

"You were supposed to be gone for three weeks and it has now been almost thirteen weeks! You promised me that we would call, and I have not heard from you. Instead of calling me and telling what was going on, you just told Julie and Mike that you were not coming home. You did not even have the guts to call me yourself. I have needed you over the past few months. The nightmares came back, Will cheated on me, he hurt me, it was dad's anniversary which you forgot about, I have a new boyfriend, I was accepted into university, I got my first tattoo and I am looking at buying a house. But guess what? You missed it all. Where were you?" I screamed as the tears streamed down my cheeks.

"I met someone" she said.

The silence in the room was deafening. I looked around and realised that Julie and Caleb were sitting at the dining room table with their heads in their hands.

"Excuse me" I asked, not trusting what I heard.

"I met someone" she repeated louder.

"When did your work trip end?" I sobbed, hoping that my thoughts were wrong.

"Bianca..." she started.

"When?" I screamed.

"After three weeks" she said, looking down at the floor.

I scoffed, letting my hands run over my face as I paced around the kitchen and dining room.

"So, you forgot about your kids and shacked up with some man for ten weeks" I whispered in shock.

"It is not like that" she tried to reason.

"It is exactly like that" I yelled.

"Answer me one question, were you planning on coming home any of the times that you said you were? Did you even buy a plane ticket?" I asked.

"I did the first time. I love him, Bianca."

"I cooked your favourite meal, I cleaned the house, I brought balloons and flowers and yet you were never even planning on coming home" I scoffed.

"I am sorry okay" she screamed, "I know I should have told you, but I was happy. Does that not mean anything to you?" she yelled.

"Do not put this back on me" I screamed, walking towards her. "If you had of said, 'hey Bianca, I met this really amazing guy. Are you okay if I stay here and get to know him a little?' I would have been happy for you and said yes. But instead, you completely forgot about us. You did not call, you did not text and when you did, you were lying to us!".

"Not only did you muck us around, but you also screwed Julie over. She did you a favour by looking after me and you spat it in her fucking face" I said pointing at Julie who was just sitting there, unsure of whether she should jump in.

"Do not swear at me, I am still your mother" she yelled, pointing her finger in my face.

"Are you? I do not know a single parent who would do what you did? I hope he was worth it because you have successfully chosen him over me. I do not want anything more to do with you" I sobbed.

"You are being ridiculous Bianca" she yelled.

"You are not acting like the mother I know and love" I said, my voice cold and distant, not wanting to yell anymore. I was emotionally and physically drained, and my voice was fading.

I instantly felt a sharp sting across my face. It only took a brief second to realise that my mum had slapped me. My cheek stung as I stood there gaping at her.

"Renae" Julie gasped in shock, jumping up from her chair.

The tears rushed down my cheek in embarrassment, anger, and sadness. I chocked on the sobs as Caleb came around and swept me up into his arms.

"How dare you hit her!" Julie yelled in my defense.

"Did you not hear how she was talking to me?" Mum accused.

"I do not care. She has a right to be angry, we all do! You left her! How can you not understand that?" Julie yelled.

"Get out of my house" Julie said. When mum refused, Julie repeated herself telling my mum to leave.

After a little bit of arguing, my mum left and I was sat there sobbing on the floor with Caleb and Julie.

"What was that? How could she do that?" I sobbed.

"I do not know sweetie" Julie sighed, kissing my forehead.

"If she had of just told me, it would have been fine, but she lied and ignored everyone."

"I just lost my mum" I cried as the reality of the situation hit me.

"I'm sure she will sort her shit out" Caleb whispered into my ear.

"I do not think I can forgive her" I sobbed.

We would have stayed like that for a few minutes before Caleb brought me into the kitchen to get some ice for my cheek.

"I cannot believe she slapped you" Caleb grumbled as he put the cold ice against my flushed cheek.

"You can stay here as long as you want" he said, kissing my forehead.

The day started off great at the diner surrounded by friends, yet it ended so horribly. I just do not understand how a mother could leave for ten weeks without contacting her children and letting them know what is happening. If she wanted to stay, all she had to do was tell us. We would have facetimed or gone to visit but instead, she lied and ignored us. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, she picked him over us and that was not something I thought I could forgive.

At least I had Julie, Caleb, Mike, Sarah, and my friends. They were all that I needed because they always had my back and I would always have theirs. We were all one big family.

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