4: The Date

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Edited: 29/06/2022

I walked down the spiral staircase only to find that the house was empty. As I made my way over to the kitchen, I saw a small handwritten note sitting on the island bench.

I worked the night shift so I will be home by about ten in the morning.

I have not had the chance to go shopping so I would be very grateful if you could do it today. There is one hundred dollars in the top drawer for groceries.

- Julie

I placed the note back down and moved towards Caleb's room so I could wake him up.

I walked over to his bed and gently tapped his shoulder to wake him. Despite my multiple attempts, he did not budge.

"Caleb" I said in a quiet voice while shaking him slightly.

"Mmmm" he mumbled, grabbing my body, and pulling me into the bed beside him.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and rested his head in the crook of my neck. I was beyond stunned. I had no idea what had just happened. I tried to move however his grip only tightened.

"I like waking up to this" he said. I could feel his smile on my neck and it infuriated me.

"Caleb get off of me" I growled, slapping his arm.

"Don't get your panties in a twist" he smirked, letting go of my waist. "Actually, speaking of panties, are you wearing those lacy ones I saw when you first came here?"

"My boyfriend is the only one who is allowed to talk about my panties" I huffed getting back off of his bed.

"Fine if I cannot talk about them, can I at least see them on you?" he said giving me a once over.

I glared at him, I hated how he acted and the way he spoke disgusted me. "Can you just stop? Caleb, I have a boyfriend, you cannot talk to me like that."

"I don't know, you are very sexy when you get angry."

"Enough" I yelled, "I just came in here to say that your mum wants us to go shopping because there is no food in the house so if you could get your disgusting ass up then that would be amazing" I smiled sweetly, walking out of his bedroom door.

It was not long until Caleb was downstairs, dressed in a pair of black jeans and dark blue shirt.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"No, I am just down here waiting for no reason" he said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and walked out the door towards my car. Caleb's arms wrapped around my waist and stopped me from walking any further.

"Get your arms off of me" I said glaring at his hands.

"Don't lie, you like it when I touch you.

"I do not want to have to say it again Caleb, stop flirting. It is inappropriate and annoying" I glared.

"Your body says something different. I have noticed the blushing, the shivers, or the goosebumps whenever I touch you" he smirked.

As much as I hate to admit it, Caleb is extremely good looking but it is a shame that his personality is so awful.

"Damn it Caleb, I said stop. What part of I have a boyfriend do you not understand?" I yelled, slapping him until he let me go.

"You are so violent this morning" he laughed.

"Go to hell" I said stomping off towards the car.

"We are taking my car" he stated.

"What's wrong with my car?" I pouted.

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