21: Tattoos & The Truth

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Edited: 02/07/2022

Three Days Later

My alarm woke me up and I instantly wanted to snooze it, despite the fact that I had school. I was comfortable sleeping in Caleb's arms, and I did not want to move. As I rolled over to look at his sleeping face, he tightened his grip around my waist.

After laying there for a few more minutes, I decided we needed to wake up. "Caleb" I murmured.

"I am not moving" he muttered as he buried his head into the crook of my neck.

"I wish we did not have to, but we have school" I sighed, running my fingers up and down his back.

"Why don't we just skip today?" he asked, without opening his eyes. "I was not planning on going anyway because I have some plans. You could come with me?"

"It is only the second week! Plus, I have never skipped school without actually being sick."

"There is a first time for everything though" he suggested.

The past few days had been rough after mum did not come home. I ended up answering one phone call which was a massive mistake. I asked for an explanation, and she said that she did not have to explain anything and that it was work. That really made me angry, and we ended up having a huge argument. I do not think our relationship will ever be the same after this.

"Come on! You deserve to have fun and do something reckless" he said tickling my sides.

"Oh my god, I cannot believe I am actually agreeing to this!" I laughed, covering my face with my hands.

"Is that a yes?" Caleb asked excitedly. He was like a little kid on Christmas morning. His eyes were sparkling, and a large smile covered his face.

"Yes!" I laughed.

"You are amazing" Caleb cheered, pulling me closer to his body.

"Let's sleep for a little bit longer and then we will go."

The feeling of Caleb's chest rising and falling and his hands running up and down my back, put me to sleep quickly. I could not believe how comfortable I felt with Caleb after such a brief time. I have felt more comfortable with Caleb in these past couple of months then I ever did with Will.

I never thought that I would move on so quickly. The last few months of our relationship were different. He was distant compared to how he was in the start of our relationship. I think I knew deep down that our relationship was never going to last forever. That is probably why I never took the relationship further.

My feelings for Caleb were completely different though. Will was safe and what everyone expected of me but with Caleb, things were exhilarating, fun and loving. He makes me happy, and he makes me feel loved, supported, and safe. Every time he walks into the room, sends a little smile my way or touches me, my heart feels like it is going to beat out of my chest, in a good way.

I woke up to Caleb brushing a piece of hair out of my eyes, "good morning beautiful."

"Good morning" I chuckled, stretching my arms.

"I love waking up to you in my arms" Caleb smiled, kissing the top of my head.

"That is good because I love being in your arms" I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.

I softly brought my lips to his. At first the kiss with sweet and gentle but it quickly turned intense. It felt like we desperately needed each other to survive. Our lips moved hungrily and in sync with one another. My arms wrapped around his neck, trying to close any distance that we had between us. He swiped his tongue across my lip. Our tongues danced together making me moan. He gently moved, without breaking the kiss, so that he was hovering over me. My fingers were quick to pull at his shirt. Our lips broke apart for just a second as he threw the shirt onto the ground.

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