9: Birthday Shopping

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Edited: 30/06/2022

2 days later...

The past couple of days had been great.

Katie, Noah, Drew, Matt, Caleb, and I went to the beach the other day and had an incredible day. Everyone got to know each other and Katie even invited them all to come to her eighteenth party tomorrow.

Yesterday, Katie, Noah and I all applied for university together. At the start of the school year, we all went to a few universities with school. We all fell in love with Greendale University, which is three hours from our current school. I applied for secondary education, Katie applied for physiology and Noah applied for nursing.

Just as I finished curling the last strand of my hair, Caleb knocked on my door and opened it slightly.

"Come in" I called out.

"Where are you off to looking so nice" he asked.

"I'm still in my pyjamas, how do I look nice?" I laughed, "Noah and I are going shopping for Katie's birthday present."

"You always look nice" he smiled. Before I could even shut down his comment, he changed the topic. "Her birthday is tomorrow, right?"

I nodded my head in response. "Yeah, are you still coming?"

"Of course. How are things going with Will?" he asked.

"Not much better, we have not spoken since he came over here drunk" I said, walking towards my wardrobe. I threw a pair of denim high wasted shorts and a long-sleeved white crop top onto my bed along with a pair of underwear and a bra.

"I'm so sorry Princess, what time are you leaving?" he asked.

"It is okay. I am supposed to leave now so can you please get out so I can get dressed" I shooed him out.

I quickly got dressed and put my white flip-flops on while spraying some perfume on myself.

I walked towards Caleb's room and pushed his bedroom door open revealing him sitting on his bed playing his guitar.

He did not notice me come in so I stood there and listened for a few seconds. "Wow! You are amazing."

"Oh, thanks" I was shocked to see that he had turned a crimson red.

"Anyway, I want to hear you play when I get back but for now, I have to go" I said running over to him to give him a hug.

"Bye princess" he said, squeezing me.

"Bye Caleb."

I put my seatbelt on while turning on my favourite radio station. I immediately recognized the song and started humming the lyrics as I pulled out of the driveway and turned onto the main road which led me to the shopping centre.

To Noah: Hey I am here, where abouts are you?

To Bianca: I have just parked the car so I'll meet you at the entry

To Noah: Okay

As I neared the entry, I could see Noah waving frantically at me.

"Hey" I said hugging him.

"Hey bee."

"Well let's go and get our girl the best presents ever" I cheered.

Shop after shop, we searched for things for Katie and in the end, I had bought an eighteenth wishing jar, a bottle of vodka and tequila, a Polaroid camera, some nice bra and underwear sets and a lot of material to make a scrapbook.

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