22: Thank You

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Edited: 02/07/2022

Once again, I woke up wrapped in Caleb's arms. Usually, I am the first one awake however I rolled over and saw him looking directly at me.

"Good morning!" I grinned, burying my head deeper into his chest.

"Good morning beautiful" he said, returning the toothy grin.

"Why are you staring at me?" I laughed.

"I am not staring, I am admiring" he said as if it was common knowledge.

"Aren't you just the cutest" I chucked.

"Yeah, yeah, I know" he smirked, getting up out of the bed.

I could not help but just sit and stare at his body. My mind was instantly flooded with sexual thoughts, and I could not help but think about how I was never this sexual with Will. Caleb made me want new things that I never thought that I would be ready for right now.

"Are you right there?" Caleb asked, smirking at me. I had not even noticed that he had turned around and was looking directly at me. I was too busy thinking about other things.

"I am fine" I chuckled.

"Are you sure? You seem a bit flushed in the cheeks" he chuckled, still smirking.

I felt a sudden burst of courage. Slowly and seductively, I walked over to him and wrapped me arms around his neck. Leaning in, I placed my lips on his neck and pampered his neck and jawline with small kisses. "You make me flustered" I whispered into his ear before placing a kiss just under it.

Caleb let out a moan, bringing his lips to mine.

"As much as I would love to just stay here and ravish you, we should get to school otherwise mum will kill us."

He was right and I knew that he was right, yet something just made me want to say no and go a little further.

When we arrived at school, I was instantly bombarded by Katie and Noah.

"Are you okay? Why were you not at school yesterday?" Katie asked.

"More importantly! How do you have a tattoo?" Noah exclaimed.

"Caleb and I decided to go and get tattoos yesterday" I smiled, "you both know how long I have wanted this tattoo. It should not be that much of a shock that I finally did it".

"Our little baby girl is growing up so fast" Noah exclaimed again, pulling me towards him

Pushing him off of me, I could not help the laughter that exploded from my chest.

As we walked into the school, there were flyers announcing that crazy hair day was tomorrow and that PJ day was Friday. Tomorrow, I was planning to tease my hair and to make it look like an absolute disaster.

"Guess what!" I exclaimed, grabbing Katie, Noah, and Alex's attention.

"Caleb asked me to wear his jersey tomorrow".

"That is a pretty good deal" Katie awed in excitement.

A jersey might not sound important, but it was for our school. Nobody wears one of the players jerseys without being extremely important to them. Usually, it was only family members or partners that wore them. I was extremely honoured and excited that Caleb asked me.

"You two are ridiculously cute. I am loving this new thing. You are glowing!" Noah exclaimed

Sighing in admiration, I could not stop thinking about Caleb and how amazing he was, "I feel like it too, he just makes me so happy".

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