6: A Stolen Kiss

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Edited: 30/06/2022

3 Days Later...

"Are you both ready" Julie shouted from downstairs.

I tied my bikini straps up and threw on a tank top that was on my bed before replying with a yes. Caleb replied a little after me and we both raced down the stars to meet Julie and Tori.

Today was one of Julie's rare days off. I had been here for just over a week and this was the first day that we had spent together. We had decided to go to the beach and spend the day together. To say I was slightly excited was an understatement.

Tori called shot gun as we were walking towards the car meaning that Caleb and I were in the backseat together.

Things between Caleb and I had been really good these past few days. Do not get me wrong, they were not perfect but we were not fighting anywhere near as much. I had been spending the last few nights away at Katie's or Will's so maybe the time apart was doing us good.

Tori turned on the CD player and one direction came on. Tori and I looked at each other and started singing the lyrics to steal my girl.

"You have a really good voice Bianca" Julie said while looking at me in the revision mirror.

"Thank you, so does Tori."

"Caleb has a really good voice as well" Tori said making Caleb smile at his younger sister.

I turned my body to face Caleb, "I did not know that you could sing."

"There is a lot that you do not know about me princess."

The rest of the car ride was short and sweet. It just consisted of Tori and I singing while Julie joined along every now and then Caleb just sat there, smiling like an idiot.

Tori and I have become really close this week, she is such a beautiful, loving little girl. She has been loving our girl time and honestly so I have I. I have always wanted a little sister to take shopping and get manicures with.

"What about this spot?" Tori asked, suggesting a spot that was in the middle of the flags.

"Yeah, okay" Julie smiled, setting up the sun umbrella while Caleb, Tori and I laid our towels in the sun.

"Do you want to play soccer? Bianca and Mum can be on a team and Tori and I can be on the other team" Caleb asked.

"Okay! Bianca lets whoop their butts" Julie laughed getting up.

"I am in."

We stood in our assigned positions and the ball came flying down our side. I took off running across the sand, making sure to take the ball with me towards Caleb and Tori's goal. My leg came back and kicked the ball into the goal making Julie scream in excitement. Caleb stood there, staring at me in shock as if he had not expected a girl to be able to play soccer like that.

"H... how" Caleb stuttered.

"Do not challenge a girl who has grown up her whole life playing soccer" I laughed, winking at him.

After that first goal, it became more like a competition between Caleb and I to see who could get the most goals.

"Well, by my calculations that is 5-3 so I guess that makes me the winner" I smirked, walking past Caleb.

I moved towards my beach towel and sat down, starring at the ocean. The slight breeze made the golden sand gently swish through the air. The sun danced against the water, making it look even more tempting.

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