14: Party Time

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Edited: 01/07/2022

The past week had been long and emotionally draining. My heart felt broken and the pain that I have felt since finding that girl in his bed has haunted me every hour for the past week.

Katie, Noah, Drew, Matt, and Caleb had not left my side since that day. Julie, Tori, my brother, and Sarah had also been extremely supportive. They listened to me cry, watched some movies, and ate a lot of comfort food with me. Having everyone there was good. They had been there throughout many breakdowns and had supported me more than I could have ever asked for. The one person who had not been there was my mum. I had tried to call her and I had left several voicemails yet she had not responded.

I sat in bed crying as I thought about that day but I was interrupted by someone cuddling me from behind.

"I wish I could take all this pain away sweetheart" Julie said, laying down beside me.

"I just do not understand how he could do this!"

"I know, he is an idiot. As much as you do not want to hear this at the moment, you are young and you will recover from this" she said into my hair as she cuddled me from behind.

"It does not feel like that right now" I sobbed.

"I know, it will not in the beginning. Did you call your mum?" she asked.

"Yeah, I did, she did not answer".

Julie nodded her head just as there was a knock on the door. Caleb poked his head in searching for my eyes and as soon as his eyes met mine, he let out a sigh and muttered something about wanting to kill Will.

"I will leave you guys to it" Julie said as she moved from the bed and begun walking out the door. She stopped and squeezed Caleb's arm on the way out in a comforting way.

"What can I do Bianca? Want me to go and kick his ass?" Caleb asked, sitting on my bed where his mum just was. This is something that he has offered at least three times a day.

"No, I just want to get my mind off of it. Please" I begged.

"There is a party that is starting in a few hours so we could go to that and have a few drinks if that is what you want to do?"

I agreed knowing that I needed to get my mind off of Will, "yeah, okay. Let's do that".

"Do not take offence to this but you look like shit, did you sleep much last night?" Caleb asked cautiously.

"No, not really."

Without so much as a word, Caleb rolled onto his side and pat the bed next to him indicating that he wanted me to lay down beside him.

I hesitated slightly before laying down next to him. He wrapped his arms around my body and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep, listening to Caleb sing a familiar song.

I jumped awake from my sleep when I started dreaming about Will. Wiping the tears around my eyes, I looked to the side to see Caleb asleep as well.

"Caleb" I murmured, shaking him awake.

He slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times before responding, "what is wrong?"

"We have to get up and get ready."

Getting ready felt like a blur and before I knew it, I was dressed in a pair of light denim high-waisted jeans, a black backless bodysuit, and black heels. My long hair had been left in its natural waves and my makeup consisted of a light smoky eye.

"Bianca come on" Caleb said downstairs. I looked at the time to see that it was just past eight.

"Coming" I yelled, shoving my phone, my keys, my license, some money, and my lip gloss into my bag.

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