28: Forever & Always

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Edited: 02/07/2022

This chapter does contain mature scenes. I have added 'start of mature scene' where scene starts. If you do not wish to read it, please move on to where it says 'end of mature scene'. You will need miss anything important.

Waking up the next morning was easy since I did not get to sleep in the first place. I spent the entire night tossing and turning. After it hit four in the morning, I gave up trying to sleep and crept out of Caleb's room and into mine.

I still did not think that I could ever fully forgive mum, but I did want to try and smooth things over a little bit. I could not lose both of my parents. We argued every time that we spoke so I decided to write her a letter instead. That way, she can read it over, think about it and respond, hopefully, in a calm way.

One I started writing, it all just poured out onto the paper.

To Mum,

I hated how we left things yesterday. I do not know how to talk to you without arguing so I am just going to write everything down in this letter.

First off, I just wanted to say that I am glad that you found someone to be happy with. You deserve happiness after Dad.

Why did you think you should hide and lie about everything? I thought you knew me better than that. I thought you knew that I would be happy for you.

However, what I am not happy about is how you managed the situation. You have completely and utterly destroyed me and our relationship with your actions.

I needed you yet you were nowhere.

It honestly feels like something better came along for you, so you completely left us behind without a second thought.

I am going to be completely honest with you, I do not know if I will ever be able to move on entirely from this. With work from both sides, I might learn to forgive you but the reality is that our relationship will never be the same.

I do not plan to come home at the moment. I am going to continue staying here or stay with some friends.

Bye Mum x

I felt better after writing everything down on the paper. It felt like some sort of closure. I made a mental reminder to myself to drop this in mum's letter box sometime today.

Once it hit six in the morning, I walked downstairs to get breakfast. As I walked into the kitchen, I noticed Julie standing there cooking up the eggs.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?" she asked.

"I am better, thank you" I smiled.

"I did want to talk to you about something. I know that it might be a little hard to go home at the moment, so I just wanted to let you know that you are more than welcome to stay here for as long as you want. This is your home now too".

"Thank you" I smiled.

"I know you were looking at houses yesterday so if you want to live here until the new year when you move then I would love to have you. Obviously, you would have to run it past your mum first" she said, pulling me into a hug.

"I will let her know but I do not want to go home. Thank you for letting me stay" I said squeezing her tight.

Julie and I ate breakfast and talked before she left for work.

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