Chapter 16: nosy pokémon get put in a ball

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Katsuki Bakugo

Goddamn, yesterday was fun. Earlier this morning, waking up and remembering all of the events gave me the perfect start to a Monday morning. And now, coming into work just before 4pm, I was just as excited. Because now I could talk to Pikachu about yesterday. I wasn't excited to talk to him about it per se, more that I wanted to make him jealous of how amazing my first date with Todoroki was. Remembering to call him Todoroki and not Halfy was going to be difficult though.

As soon as I walked out from the back and into an empty café, Pikachu leapt towards me, almost knocking me over, as if he'd been sat there for a long time waiting to interrogate me. He ran to the other side of the counter, and lugged two stools around for us to sit on. He shoved me into one of them, before sliding a pre-made latte over to me. He then sat in his own seat, and stared at me.

He didn't speak. Just stared. Eventually, he got bored, and probed "so....?", clearly wanting the dig on how the date was. And I was more than happy to give it to him.

"So....we did an escape room, and then went and made dinner back at his place. After, we ended up singing our favourite songs to each other and lying on the floor laughing. It was...really special."


"Yeah pikachu, we're doing a second date soon. I'm organising this one though, so get fucking thinking!"

"Sure, anything to help out my bestest bro in the world!" He said before coming in for a hug. I pushed him away, and he laughed, saying "fine, Kiri is my bestest bro then!" he said with a faux pout.

After he got over himself, Pikachu asked another question about the date. "So, from what you've told me, you had a pretty fun day out, right? But did anything...romantic happen?" he questioned, while stupidly twirling a finger through his hair like a ten year old girl.

I answered him neutrally, wanting to suggest that whatever I said wasn't all the romance I wanted from Todoroki. "A few little things. He had an arm around my back under an umbrella while we walked, he fed me a spoonful of cheesecake, and...."

"Aaaaaaaand?" Pikachu teased, and I was surprised he wasn't swooning by this point, given how much of a flirt he's proven to be.

"And I...sorta maybe kissed him on the cheek?" I said, and it came out as a nervous question, much to my own behest. Pikachu, however, wasn't bothered. He had shrieked so loudly I thought the windows might shattered, before doing laps around the still empty coffee shop.


"Oh my god, Bakugo, since when did you become such a romantic?"

"I've always been like that Pikachu, you've just never seen it."

"But seriously, for a first date, you made it sound like you'd been married for years! And an escape room? That's like the most creative thing ever! I expected something cliché like a picnic or dinner or some shit. Lemme tell you, Bakugo, this one is a keeper!"

"I....I know." I said, with a slight blush touching my face. I excused myself to use the bathroom before Pikachu noticed, not wanting to give him even more bribery material to work with.

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