Chapter 26: bolts, boxes and boxers

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TW // panic attack, induced headaches, flashbacks to childhood trauma

Shoto Todoroki

"Ok, ummmm. Let's put all of your valuables into here, and then we can work on other things later." I said, trying to methodically go about moving him out of the apartment and into mine.

"Right, you get, then~"Bakugo replied. I just rolled my eyes, then went about collecting the things he had set aside to pack into boxes, placing them carefully, so as not to break them. Normally we might've just left them free, and done a bunch of trips to and from, but unfortunately it was bucketing down with rain, so we decided to make as few trips as possible, hence the boxes.

Bakugo went away to pack up his clothes, and once I'd finished with the small, fragile items, I decided to sneak up on him once again. It was really funny to do it last night, I don't know how he didn't notice me. I question walked up behind him before wrapping my arms around his lower midsection, my head resting on his shoulder with my mouth just away from his ear.

"Gh- what are you doing?"

"I dunno, just wanna show my gorgeous boyfriend how much he means to me, that's all~" I whispered into his ear, before planting a couple of kisses on his jaw.

"Well, can you show your gorgeous boyfriend how much he means to you when he's finished packing his clothes to move in with you~?"

"Only if he's quick about it, my adoration fluctuates~"

"Well he's only got one more drawer to go, then he's all yours~"

As he said this, he walked over (me still clinging on to him) and opened one last drawer to pack....his underwear. Of course. He kept at it as if I weren't even there, yet I found myself averting my eyes, feeling dirty about the thought of knowing what many of his undergarments looked like. I didn't even notice him turning to look at me, and only realised when I heard him laugh at my embarrassment. This of course only made it worse, and my face was as hot as the sun right now.

"Stooooop, I'm being respectful!"

"Hey, there's nothing embarrassing about seeing someone's clean underwear. You look at your own everyday, what's the difference?"

"Uh, the thought that I can also see the person that's WORN THEM!"

"Oh? You imagining me in these underwear, babe? He teased, before picking up a pair and brandishing them to me, holding them against his hips.

However, I'd stopped listening. Babe. That's new. Suddenly, I snapped back into focus and responded. "And if I was~?"

He suddenly dropped the boxers at his feet, and approached me, holding my cheek, and I naturally nuzzled against him without hesitation. He then leaned forward and whispered in my ear...

"Well, I'd be wondering why you weren't imagining me out of-"

A loud crash of thunder cut off his R-Rated comment, and I heard myself let out a little squeak, before my head went a little fuzzy. I tried to laugh it off to a slightly concerned Bakugo, not wanting to cause a commotion, but the next one really got me. Everything I could see went weird and blurry, and I felt myself falling towards one of the Bakugos in front of me. Luckily, it was the real one, and I felt him speak through the vibrations on his chest. Though I couldn't hear him. All I heard was the loud crashing noise of the kettle falling to the floor, and a woman screaming. My mother screaming.

"No no no no no no no.." I repeated, or at least I think I did, unable to even hear myself speak the word. I made out the panicked face of my boyfriend hovering over me, stroking my cheek and coming away with damp fingers. Was I crying? When did that start? Suddenly, after laying me on the couch, he dashed off, and I tried hard to form the word "back...back back back back back...", the thunder sounding ever louder as it rang out.

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