Chapter 20: normality (?) insues

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TW // PTSD induced panic attack

Shoto Todoroki

Class was quite positively dreadful today. Having to sit through the whole thing with Shinso next to me, teasing me endlessly about Bakugo. When will he get it through is thick skull that I'm a switch!!....was what I wanted to think, but deep down I knew that I had lied to him. In reality, I *was* still a switch, except I had quite a.... strong preference for being on the bottom. I knew that telling Shinso that would only lead to further teasing opportunities, hence the reason I didn't.

Plus, I could absolutely tell that Bakugo was the dominant type, and even despite me seeing his weak points before he's seen mine, I also noticed that whenever we've ended up play fighting, particularly yesterday, he never let me pin him down for long.

But to be honest, it didn't matter right now. I wasn't the type to have sex with someone I barely know, despite how much we definitely like each other. Thinking about it from another perspective, I realised that Bakugo probably wasn't that embarrassed when he was crying last night, because he chose to come to me. That decision that he consciously made meant that I was the person he trusted the most, and wouldn't be embarrassed opening up to. Maybe I should open up a little to him too...

Realising that Bakugo was actually really brave just made me love that side of him a little more. That commanding, make-all-the-decisions, dominant personality, that he also has complete control over, for instance letting me plan a date for the both of us! Such a dream man... ok, swooning at the lunch table will only get me more teasing, so I'd best stop. I got chatting to Ojiro, and he was talking about a new friend he'd made over the phone called Kiri. That name was familiar, but I couldn't quite say why. I saw that Shinso heard, and he whispered "Kami's friend" in my ear, and I whispered back "thought so. Why're we all getting dates from that friend group it's weird? Also....Kami~?"

"Fuck off, it's cute."

"If cute is another word for vomit inducing, go ahead."

"Alright Mr submissive-but-can't-pick-a-side! You really think I buy that crap? Just say the word Todoroki. It's starts with a B, has six letters, and ends with -ottom."

"I seriously wasn't kidding, I don't mind, but ok, I *might* have a preference for bottoming. JUST A LITTLE ONE THOUGH, I STILL LIKE HIS ASS" I whisper shouted, and I'm convinced Tokoyami heard, given how he nearly choked on an apple slice.

Anyway, moving back to Ojiro, he was telling me about this 'Kiri', and I'd seen it all before. The glint in the eye when talking about the muscles, the hand movements that exert built up energy generated from endorphins, the defensive snap any time Kiri was questioned since they don't actually know each other.

"He sent me a picture of himself, he's definitely real."

"Oh? Let's see then~"

"Fine! Just be aware, this dude has absolutely no shame, and no reason to be shameful." he said, before showing us a picture of a redhead, shirtless, and with muscles neeeearly as big as Shoji's. He also sported a white hair cloth and a wide toothy grin. Shinso took one look at the guy and said "...doesn't look like a psychologist to me", to which Ojiro huffed, saying "are you judging people, Shinso?"

"Not at all,I just think he's a pretty mid choice, that's all"

Oh, I see. Shinso was doing *the test*, to see if Ojiro liked this guy. "I mean, those muscles, as hard as he must've worked to get them, they're just gaudy, aren't they? No offence, Shoji, you pull it off!"

"W-well, personally I think they're quite-"

"Daaaaamn Ojiro, that was easier than I thought. Ask this guy on a date, you clearly like him"

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