Chapter 23: beautiful

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Shoto Todoroki

Well, today was going to be fucking mad. How the hell does Shinso expect this to end other than us breaking off to be with our respective interests? If that is what he wants, he's just using Ojiro as a chance to get more uninterrupted time with Kaminari, and if it's not what he wants, then he's an idiot.

Either way, it was happening. Ojiro had agreed to join us at the café, and didn't seem to suspect that we had a surprise planned. Class was as unremarkable as you'd expect, and myself and Shinso had no classes for the rest of the day, but elected to wait for Ojiro to finish his history class for the day. And so, we plopped down in the corner of the library, and chatted silently.

Despite knowing what would come, I decided to tell Shinso some of the things Bakugo had said yesterday, if anything just to make conversation. He snickered at most of the flirty comments, and made a few noises of faux disgust at the forehead-kissing, but said nothing more of it.

"Dude, he seriously loves you, I'm not kidding. I remember you told me he was angry the first time you met him, and he's not done it since. Coincidence?"

", I know. I think I love him too, to be honest. I haven't been freaking out about anything recently, and it feels nice." I hadn't told him about the incident with Hagakure the other day, it didn't quite seem necessary.

"I mean, if just being with him calms you down that much, you might as well just tell him! Unless...." he looked at me, wiggling his eyebrows, before my confused look made him continue. "'re gonna wait until the man of your dreams serenades you himself~"

"And? Is there a problem to want that?"

"No. It just confirms my theories, that's all."

"What theories might these be?"

"Y'know, just the simple things. Like who's in control, that's all. And to be honest, I think I saw that firsthand on Wednesday, that weird thing he did with your face.

"Oh, that? It's not weird, it's cute..." I said, a little miffed about his comment.

"Yeah yeah ok, if you say so. I guess it would be cute if I did it with Kaminari, so I see your point."

"Are you kidding? Seeing you drop like that would be disgusting"

"Not me, idiot. Trust me, it'd be him that gave in."

"Yeah I don't wanna know more. That's actually horrible"

"So are you and your manager~"

"Oh SHUT UP!" I whisper shouted, given we were still in the library, then whispered again to him "fine, try it with Kaminari later, I bet he'll think you're weird."

"Yeah, probably. We haven't had a proper date yet, remember? You guys have an advantage. And speaking of advantages, has he told you anything about tomorrow?"

"Not a word. I guess I kinda deserve it though, I said nothing about mine... did I tell you about the sardines?"

"The what now?"

"Basically, we said the person who had the worse date would have to eat a sardine."

".....why? Then you won't wanna kiss each other...?"

"Good point, but this is WAR, Shinso."

"....should've known."

We continued talking just a little more, before choosing to loiter outside the history room which contained our friend. Once he'd emerged, the three of us made our way over to the café, myself and Shinso exchanging a side eye as we walked through the door.

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