Chapter 33: brewing

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TW // panic attack, vomiting, details of injury

Katsuki Bakugo

I woke up groggy eyed, and checked my phone to see that it was already 1pm. I thought back to...well, this morning, and I remembered everything, from kissing Sho on that bench to putting him to bed around 5am. I slowly rose out of bed, and trundled my way into the kitchen, yawning and stretching above my head as I did.

I noticed that Sho wasn't there, and peeked inside his room to see him still soundly asleep. I smiled a little at the sight, his face adorably scrunched up. It was then that I noticed a single tear run down his cheek, and he squirmed around a little. I walked over to him and wiped the tear away, stroking his face gently. This woke him, and he slowly opened his eyes, before he jumped a little.

I wondered why for a moment, then realised it was probably because I was just in boxers. I chuckled, before saying "you ok? You cried in your sleep.." and continuing to stroke his face softly. He simply said "bad dream..."

"You wanna talk about it?"

"No, but....stay" he said, and I obliged, getting in the other side of the bed. He nuzzled my neck and placed a hand on my bare chest, drifting off to sleep again. I lay still with him for maybe half an hour before sliding out of his grip and moving to get on with the day. I was making myself a sandwich when he emerged from the room, glassy-eyed and exhausted. I walked straight over to him and kissed his cheek. He looked a little confused before pointing to his lips. I shook my head and said "not until you brush your teeth~"

"Ugh, FIIIIIINE!" he whined, before heading off to the bathroom. I was just finishing up lunch when he re-emerged, and I slammed my lips onto his this time, my hands enjoying his rear perhaps a little too much, as he squeaked into my mouth, which made me laugh and ruin the mood.

"You really need to get used to that~"

"Get used to what, having my ass groped?"

"Groped is the wrong word. If you want me to stop, just say, and I'll stop."

"'s fine.." he said, looking at the ground. I tilted his chin up again before kissing him softly. His mood quickly brightened, and when I pulled away he was smiling as wide as possible. I'd made sure to keep my hands where they were, still resting on his behind, but not quite feeling it, since he seemed more comfortable with that.

"Good. Now then, I need a favour~"

"What kind of favour?"

"Don't be filthy. Can you show me how the shower works..." I said, a little embarrassed. He just smiled and said "sure!" before walking off to the bathroom. I followed, and as I walked in I saw him trying to figure out whether turning on the shower would get his pyjama shirt wet. Frustrated with the problem, I solved it. I grabbed the top of his shirt and pulled it over his head, and his arms didn't put up a fight, pulling it clean off. He avoided eye contact with me now that he was shirtless as well, which was, of course, cute as fuck.

His body was not cute, however. It was fucking HOT! His height meant that his torso was long and slender, his pelvic bones prominent by his hips, which in turn accentuated the v-lines trailing down to his crotch. This of course was something I examined for perhaps too long, and Sho snapped his fingers in my face to break my trance, before showing me which buttons controlled what. I wasn't paying too much attention, but clocked which one turned it on and off, so that was good enough. I thanked him with a sensual kiss, also rubbing his exposed back as I did. He was certainly flustered, and I kept him pressed up against me for a while, enjoying his embarrassment as much as I dared. He then left me, and I switched on the shower and stripped off, getting in.

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