Chapter 30: what's mine is mine and what's yours is also mine

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Shoto Todoroki

I awoke to the sound of my alarm, as usual, but this time, I had a welcome surprise for me there as well. Two cats, one either side of my legs, each snuggled into one of them: I stroked both their heads gently, giving them a slow wake-up. That was the trigger I needed to remember that Kat was now living with me, and I hopped out of bed with a hence unrecorded enthusiasm at this time of the morning.

I rubbed my eyes as I made my way into the kitchen, and there stood my boyfriend. Cooking. In only his underwear. In hindsight, I should've seen this coming. He's been teasing me non-stop about how shameless he is, and this is only further emphasis. I figured I might as well try and adapt to it, and so instead of freaking out and hiding, I approached silently from behind, and wrapped my arms around his bare torso, snuggling into his exposed shoulder with my head.

"Feeling confident this morning, are we babe~?"

"Shut up, you'll never stop so I need to try and get used to it..."

"I don't mind, and you clearly don't either, you're clinging to me like a koala to a tree~"

"Yeah, well trees don't normally talk~" I said, putting a hand over his mouth to shut him up. We stood in silence, before I decided it was time to get a little more daring. My hand snaked down his back to his waist, and I played with the strap at the top of his boxers teasingly, to which he said "didn't I tell you no about my ass~?"

"I'm not good with instructions~"

"Well, I'll say it again. Hands off~" he said teasingly, before pulling his hips forward.

"But I like it!" I whined, and he flipped around and pulled me against him, snaking his own two hands down my back and resting them gently, right on the small of my back. Any further down and...

"And I said no. Just because we like things doesn't mean we get to have them immediately~" he said, before harassing my face with kisses once again. My giggling rang out in the room, and Kat then said. "But you haven't said no, and that's the difference~"

I was confused, before I felt a tiny squeeze right on sly fucker! He had kissed me as a distraction to plant a hand on each side of my ass, and it took a squeeze before I even noticed!

"....maybe I will never get your ass then..."

"Well....let's not be hasty. I keep an open mind~" he said, and my heart jumped a little bit. I wasn't completely sure why, but I guess my hormones had gotten the best of me at this point. I slinked forward onto his bare chest, kissing each of his pectoral muscles once, before walking off, leaving him stood there in his underwear. Once I re-emerged from my bedroom, now changed and ready to go to class, Kat was still just in his boxers, but was now sat on the couch eating. There was a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon on the counter for me, and I graciously took it and sat next to him, keeping my eyes forward the whole time.

Eventually, I'd had enough of it, and said "are you gonna do this every morning?"

"Do what?"

I waved my hands at his near-naked body, saying "THIS?"

"Oh, this~" he teased, before flexing himself to embarrass me even more.

"Yeah, this"

"I dunno? Maybe just while it's hot. Does it bother you?" He said seriously, placing a hand on top of mine. I felt bad now, realising he had genuine reasons for doing it, not just to make me embarrassed. I decided the best way to play it off was to tease him

"No, I just wondered how much longer I'd get to see that bod of yours~"

"Well...everyday, if you want~"

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