Chapter 28: ahem!

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Katsuki Bakugo

Work was gonna be hectic today. I hadn't yet had the chance to tell Pikachu that I was actually with Sho yet, so he was probably gonna freak out when I told him. Turns out I was exactly right.


"Yes, Pikachu. That's exactly what I said"

"Holy shit bro, that's great! I'm like kinda strangely proud of you right now!"

"Yeah well, worry about your own man, let me deal with Sho when he comes in."

"SHO?! Awwwww, you're such a softie, Bakugo~"

"Shut up Pikachu, I can be angry if you like..."

"Daw, but I like it when you're nice! It gives me someone to talk to...speaking of which, what the fuck am I gonna do about tomorrow?"

"What about it? Just go, have fun, a little flirting, see what happens. It isn't hard, trust me"

"But...y'know, this is the first time since what happened at school and-"

I cut him off, saying "Eyebags isn't that kind of person. I don't like him, but he's not going to even try to force you to do anything you don't wanna do, I can tell that much."

"I know, and I feel bad for doubting him, but it's just something I'm always going to be thinking about I guess."

"And that's fair enough. If you feel uncomfortable, I'd say talk to him about it. He definitely wouldn't touch you after that."

"But I don't wanna scare him off with it either.."

"Like I say, I don't even think he seems the type to want that on a first date anyway."

"Yeah, I guess so. I suppose it'll be fine, I just....yeah."

He then went to the back to calm himself down a little bit, and the ding! of someone entering the shop caught my ear. I turned to see my incredibly attractive boyfriend approaching, a tired smile on his face. He kissed my cheek over the counter, and then slumped onto my shoulder before I could return the favour, groaning about how tired he was. I patted his back, reminding him that it was only Monday, before he let out a big sigh and stood up straight.

"You gonna ask me what I want to drink?"

"Hmmm....nah~" I said, wanting something from him to make me.

"Unless....?"  Damn, quick learner

"Unless you...take me on another date, Wednesday night after work."

"Fine, whatever. Now unless you want a sleeping customer, can I get a frappé?"

"Sure thing baaaaabe~"

I made sure to put an extra amount of whipped cream on the top of the cold drink, before sliding it over to him, blowing him a little kiss as I did.

"Ew." said a voice behind me, and Pikachu re-emerged from the back. "also what the hell Bakugo, you trying to give him diabetes or something?"

"Yeah, there is a lot of cream, Kat..."

I was tempted to make some sappy comment about how it isn't as sweet as him, and might've done if Pikachu wasn't laughing at me being called Kat.

"Shut up Pikachu!"

"Kat! Don't shout while you're at work~"

That bastard was enjoying this. I quickly shut him up by placing a hand on his cheek, and rolling it (and his head) around in my palm, giving Pikachu a smug glare.

"You two are honestly so weird. You kissed yet?"

"Why do you care? You want some tips?"

"Not from you, you don't look delicate enough to kiss well."

"That's it, fucker, I'm done! No, we haven't, and it doesn't matter."

"I never said it did! Calm those tits of yours!"


I was cut off by Sho, who had come out of the trance I'd put him in. He rubbed the side of his head against mine, like a cat, before kissing my cheek once again. Pikachu went quiet, so I wasn't too bothered. I then saw him take a drink out of the very creamy cup, and get it all over his nose. Naturally, I pulled him down and kissed him, sucking the cream off his face at the same time. I didn't wanna outright lick him, that'd be a little daring for a coffee shop. By this point, Pikachu had begun to find the floor absolutely fascinating, and I walked over and smacked him upside the chin, and said "don't you dare be embarrassed by this, you do it with eyebags!"

"Yeah, but not like THAT!"

"Well, you will eventually. Better watch and learn~"

Walking back over to a slightly worried-looking Sho, and held the back of his neck with one hand. I then began littering the scarred portion of his face with light kisses, and he giggled as a result. I peeked over to Pikachu, who was still watching, albeit red-faced, and began to snake my hand down Sho's back, staring a hole through my coworker. I was just reaching the waistline of his jeans when Pikachu finally snapped, yelling "OK YOU TWO, NO FUCKING ON THE COUNTER!" which only made Sho and me giggle even more.

He grabbed a towel and proceeded to whip me with it, and I rounded on him quickly, prompting him to sprint into the back. This gave me time to run around the counter and give my boyfriend a big hug, kissing the underside of his chin once again, and he said "god, you're such trouble! What am I ever going to do with you~?"

"I dunno, honestly. I'm just in a really good mood right now I guess."

"Any idea why?"


"Awwww" he said, kissing the top of my head, before I pulled him down and kissed his nose, and then he picked me UP to allow me to kiss the top of his head. I then pulled him over to a booth, where we sat and cuddled for a little while before some customers came in.

Once I'd finished serving the two girls, I returned to Sho's waiting arms, pushing him down so I could lie on top of him. It was at this point that Pikachu re-emerged, and shrieked, saying "ARE YOU TWO FUCKING OVER THERE?"


"Phew, thank god for that! I nearly had a moment there, I won't lie..."

"Sorry Kaminari, Kat is just a maaaasive cuddle lover~"

I placed a finger on Sho's lips, shutting him up. He kissed it softly, before dragging his face down, making my finger curl his bottom lip into a funny face. I chuckled, before kissing his forehead yet again, practically smothering him in affection.

"Hey, Bakugo? A hand, maybe?"

I looked up, seeing Pikachu trying to serve four customers at once. I dashed up to help him, and once the café was empty again, he was scolding me for my ignorance.

"Yeah ok Pikachu, I'm sorry, just-"

"Yeah, go do what you want. Just DO NOT fuck anywhere near me!"


"BECAUSE I DO!" he said, before slapping my ass with the towel, invoking me to get back to Sho. He was waiting patiently, as usual, and smiled as I approached and got back into his embrace. I got a little brave, probably lost in emotion, and started whispering nonsensical things into his ear. He giggled at a couple, gasped at others, but the very last thing I said nearly made him bolt upright...

"I love you so much~"

A little shorter than usual, hope you don't mind! I just wanna get to the ShinKami date ASAP, so I kinda fast forwarded this day.

This was a little fun chapter, almost like a bonus one. I didn't want this to be too serious, but it does mention Kaminari's worries about dating after what nearly happened to him.

Fact of the Day: let's hypothetically say the two girls were on a date with each other, and one of them is kinda rich. Who would that make them?

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