🎆 LXXXV: Memories (2)

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You frown as you look at the mirror, all dolled up for a kimono photoshoot you were just told you'd be doing over the phone yesterday.

You have arrived back in Tokyo with Ushijima yesterday. The two of you were in the process of coming up with places to visit while you were still here in Japan. Though truthfully, you knew from that sharp look in his eyes that most of the places he wants to show you around probably involves a court and a volleyball.

But right at the moment you stepped out of the train, your brother had given you a phone call. Lawrence had just told tell you that the kimono photoshoot would be today and that he forgot to tell you about it.

You actually stood there, dumbfounded when you heard him over the phone.

It took a while until you immediately panicked and did what you had to do. You left Goliath in a rush, panicking with the fact that not only were you unprepared for said shoot, your brother was also here, alone, unattended, and probably has a group of stalkers lagging behind him just waiting to pounce. Who knows how much trouble he's getting himself into?

Or that was what you thought until you saw a certain girl cooped up inside the hotel room you and your brother were supposedly staying on.

"I still can't believe you're here." You frowned at Norrie as you glared at her through the mirror.

Norrie Morgans was busy taking pictures of everything from the window and the girl gives you a goofy smile and a thumbs up before saying it, "Believe it!" she says, like she was copying something from the Naruto english dub and you look at her with dead eyes.

"I still can't believe you're here and you didn't tell me." You said emphasizing the last part. "Did you know I ran here because I thought Lawrence was on his own?" You add and she stops short. She looks like she understands your pain as she nods knowingly before she brushes it off.

"Well technically, he's still on his own."

"What." You blinked. "You told me you know where he's going???" You add and she waves you off. "You would pester me to trail behind the poor guy if I didn't lie. Plus, I installed a tracing app on his phone! So it'll be fine." She says, smiling.

You sighed heavily at how she was so chill. People might say you're being dramatic right now. But you have a good basis for being like this. Sure, Lawrence Romero was a tall, big, and a capable man. But only when he's inside the court. Outside of that, his social skills were worse than yours! He doesn't know how to pick up social cues, doesn't know when people are hitting on him and was only taught to smile and nod absentmindedly which doesn't really help his common sense.  

The Little and the Giant (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now