The Little and The Giant

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You look at the open court, watching the vicinity of players as they go to their own respective sports. You lean back on the bleachers, watching the view like you always do.

"Claire." You suddenly heard your name and you looked at him. His height towered over you, casting a shadow and it perfectly covered you up. The shade emphasizing his size, and how small and fragile you must have looked before him. 

It ticked you off. "What?" You snarled, raising an eyebrow at him. He looks at you calmly, already used to your reaction. 

"Training." He says and your lips formed a thin line. 

How many times has this been? You wanted to groan. But you knew that wouldn't work. You've been with him for god knows how many times and you had already grasp his personality.

Ushijima Wakatoshi was surprisingly a persistent man, only when it comes to volleyball though. 

He looked like he just got here and it was the first thing he immediately anticipated upon landing. 

"Didn't you just arrive?" You asked and he pauses. "I already took my morning run." 

"You..." You couldn't finish your sentence in disbelief. 

"So what do you want to do?" You ask.

"Training." He repeats himself and you stand up. 

"Then receives." You say as you walk off the bleachers and walk your way to the gym. 

"Oh. It's David and Goliath!" One of the coaches say as they see the both of you and you gave out a deep sigh. God knows how many times you've heard this nickname. And how long you've been wondering at how they weren't tired of it.

"Good to have you back, Ushijima." One of your friends say, spotting him and he nods. 

Look at him, being treated like a celebrity. 

"How was the Olympics, Wakatoshi?" One of the coaches asked and he immediately answers, "It was okay." What kind of answer was that???

"You're already strong. And you still come back here from time to time." The old coach say. But the implication was there. It was a question. The old coach was asking why he kept coming back, to this foreign country, to this university. 

You listen closely, actually as curious as the coach before he looks at him honestly.

Why does he keep coming back here? He opens his mouth, the answer slipping from his tongue loud and clear. 

"Claire can still receive my spikes after all." 

Your eyes widened, as a tick mark appear on your forehead. 

You wanted to punch this fucker. 

"That ain't gonna be easy, Goliath." You say, your tongue dripping with malice. 

He smirks slightly. You dribble the volleyball before holding it at the palm of your hands. 

"What are you waiting for?" You say as your eyes locked unto his. 

"Get in the fucking court." 

He complies, removing his varsity jacket and following after you. 

And the cycle continues— of the ball being tossed from court to court, of days to nights of training and short talks, of small conversations between what looked like a little girl and a giant...

And the cycle of your relationship with Ushijima Wakatoshi. 

A/N: WARNING for Size Difference. This is an Ushijima Wakatoshi x reader but the reader has a name. I opted for a "realistic" development so the pacing of the smut will be slow but will definitely be worth it AHAHAH ;))) (If you have no idea how  I write smut, please check my Atsumu Miya fanfic). 

This story was written in a way that looks as if every chapter could be a one shot of their interactions. And this was intentional. To clear things up, the story timeline occurs when Ushijima is training after graduation. I've written a couple of chapters beforehand so updates may be fast. 

PS. I was pestered by my friend to write an Ushijima fanfic. The reader's name is her name. She doesn't know and yes,  I'm evil.

Enjoy! xoxo 

The Little and the Giant (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now