🦅 XLVII: Girls' Volleyball Club (3)

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"Uwaaa. So Wakatoshi was hiding something like that?" Semi groans as they make their way to the gym.

"It makes me kind of mad how he always gets to eat those meals." Tendo confesses with a frown.

"Tell me about it."

"It was a sly thing to do, even for Miracle boy Wakatoshi."

They nodded in agreement.

"If Wakatoshi stays at the dorms, she'll probably have no choice but to cook here, no?" Hayato thinks aloud.

Then they stopped short.

"You know what to do, Tendo." The others suddenly looked at him sharply.

"Leave it to me." The blocker waves them off.

But the chatter stopped as a girl walked towards them, with a face that was glaringly familiar. Their footsteps stop along with hers and she gives them a smile that didn't reached her eyes.

"Hello. Tendo-san." She starts off.

"Have you seen Ushijima-san?" She asked before them.

A stifling silence suddenly settles in the air and the blocker's eyes looked at her, the playfulness in his tone and face gone as a serious expression replaces it instead.

Then his eyes widened to assess her.

"You're still at it." The blocker's voice trails off and echoes in the hallways, not answering her question.

"I can't believe you went this far." He adds as he stares at the girl and she only grins.

"Nothing's wrong with it, right?" Her lips curl up to a smile.

"Since I look better than the real thing now."

And at the moment she says it, a face similar to her's appeared beside her like a mirage, as if to tell a reminder to those before her.

The Little and the Giant (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now