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It was the night before my wedding and I was so excited that I could hardly sleep. I was about to marry that man I loved for six years of my life. I was so proud that he was mine and officially be mine for the rest of my life! Dallon was at his apartment since it was bad luck or whatever to see your future spouse a day before the wedding or something like that. I thought it was all bullshit but I respected his wishes as I always did.

I tossed around in the bed, not seeming to get comfortable. I couldn't seem to get him out of my head. I was just so... happy. I was so restless because my mind wouldn't halt its thought process that was slowly becoming... less happy. Why do I do this to myself?

Dallon loved me, right? Not everyone agreed that he was the man for me... I lost my best friend Spencer because he couldn't stand to see me happy. I couldn't stand where my thoughts were going and decided to get out of bed, moving into the living room to grab my notebook that contained all my lyrics, and grabbed a beer from the kitchen before I sat down on the sofa.

I opened the beer while I slowly flipped through the pages.

I sat like that for about an hour, beer in my hand, slowly sipping it while the book was in my lap flipping through the pages. Most of the songs were about Dallon... everyone could've made that assumption if they knew about our relationship. I'm not going to lie. It hasn't been an easy six years and I'm kind of glad we only told the people closest to us about our relationship. The first year was amazing... we were SO in love.

He made me smile with just his presence... Year two was a little harder and it just got worse with each passing year. It didn't help my mental health. By year five, Dallon became distant.

He claimed nothing was wrong when I asked him, said that he still loved me. I, of course, believed him because he never gave me a reason to not believe him. I could've been overthinking like I always do. I didn't hear from him for a few months after that... It hurt to just be ghosted and dropped like that. But, six months later he came back around year six and didn't waste any time, asking me to marry him the day he came back.

I thought it was a little suspicious... But I LOVE him.. and didn't hesitate to say yes.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I almost didn't notice the page the was written in Dallon's handwriting. It was near the back, almost as if he didn't want me to find it easily. I can see why as I read the messy scribble. I dropped my beer, letting it shatter against the hardwood next to my feet while hot tears began to roll down my cheeks. No, this is some kind of sick joke, right? it has to be.

     The truth is... It was all pretend. All along I've been sleeping with your best friend (Ryan) You're lying to yourself if you think I'll stay. You'll thank you'll get everything you want but you ain't gonna get it from me. The truth is, I hate your face. You were never all that hot in the first place. The truth is.. You're fucking useless. The truth is I lied about everything. You lie to your folks say everything's fine, tell all your friends that we have a great time. You lie about everything. Well, you lied about you and I lied about me. Now that you know I'm finally free. One last thing I'll say that's true. I lied when I said, "I'm in love with you." Your ass is fat and you ain't that smart. The truth is I lied about everything.

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