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"Marry me." I hear Dallon whisper against my cheek and feel his palm against the back of my neck to pull me in for another kiss, and I don't stop him even though the question scared the shit out of me. It scared me the first time he asked me, almost three years ago, but it's nothing compared to the way I feel right now. I was scared.

There was one thing that overshadowed that feeling of dread, It was happiness.

We've been inseparable in the few months where we have been working on our relationship, and I haven't been happier! We have Rylee, and sometimes Knox when Breezy is feeling particularly generous and not a stuck up.. I'll finish that sentence for another time.

It's common knowledge that I've never cared for Breezy because she slept with my ex-fiance, and we ended on bad terms, even if we never had any terms, to begin with. I never knew Breezy before I found out Dallon was sleeping with her in Malibu while I was in our apartments wondering what I did so wrong that he needed to leave my life so abruptly, and I didn't find out about Breezy or the others until it was too late for the both of us.

I had just found out about Rylee the night he left, and I didn't know how to tell him. I guess I never really got the chance to until two years into her life.

It's amazing what can transpire in three years, and how those events can drastically change people.

Even with the blue roses, little notes, surprise gifts, and trips, I still have the feeling that Dallon will eventually break my heart again.

Now don't get me wrong. I love Dallon with everything that I have. But, he has been so clingy over the few months we've been together as if I'm going to disappear, and now he's asking me to marry him. Again. I can't tell if it's out of impulse like before or if he genuinely wants to marry me for real this time. That's what scares the shit out of me. I can never truly know if he will break my heart again. But.. I want to give him this chance. I want it more than anything.

I slowly pull away from the kiss, gazing into his blue eyes for any sign there might have been a mistake in his words. My hand was loosely wrapped around his jawline, slowly moving to his neck, and I let it rest there. I softly inhale when I didn't see anything but pure love and adoration in his returning gaze.

I see his eyes flick between my own and my lips. I softly smile and nod, meeting him halfway for another kiss. It wasn't like the one before where it was rough and fast. No, this was soft and slow, as if he was showing me how much he cared. How much he loves me. Despite everything he has put me through in the past, this moment was worth every second of the sleepless nights, the nights I cried myself to sleep wondering why I was never good enough. At that moment I realized that none of that mattered anymore. I am enough. I'm more than enough.

I slowly pull away and rest my forehead against Dallon's with a soft smile. Our breathing was labored despite the slowness of the last kiss. I move my hand from his neck, slowly sliding it down his chest. My eyes follow my hand while my smile never fades. He could be mine. Forever and Always.

I let my gaze slowly move to catch his own and frantically nod. "Y - yes."

I cry out when Dallon suddenly lifts me by the back of my thighs, my legs wrap around his waist, and I laugh while he carries me into our bedroom.

We still had guests, but neither of us cares when we hear a few woof whistles and cheers. I didn't even realize anyone was paying attention until that moment, and my cheeks start to burn. We didn't have Rylee or Knox that night and tonight was our night. The night my life finally began to change.

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