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"What the fuck is this, Dallon?!" I yelled through the phone once he FINALLY answered after calling six times. He was probably fucking Ryan again... before our WEDDING. I've never hated someone that I was meant to love until now.

"What do you mean, Bren? Why are you calling me at three a.m? Don't you realize we need to be up early tomorrow?" Dallon didn't seem to care that I was in tears, barely able to speak after the first sentence. How could he do something like this to someone hr CLAIMED to love? What did I do wrong? What happened that made him hate me so much?

"Bren? Are you okay? You're hyperventilating."

"W - Why would y - you fucking c - care?" I spat back, trying to catch my breath. The room was spinning, everything was so hot. The one person that claimed to care about me LIED to me for years... I began to cry harder from the thought. I just... didn't want to exist anymore. What was the point of anything anymore? Does anything even really matter?

"Because I love you, Bren. You know that."

"STOP FUCKING LYING TO ME DALLON! Why must you LIE to me? Tell me the truth for once in your pitiful life." The words come out rushed, causing me to loose my breath even more. I stumbled into the bathroom to grab my anxiety pills, popping three in my mouth without anything to take them with. What's the point?

There was a long, uncomfortable silence from the other side of the line. The only thing that could be heard was Dallon's breathing and the rustling of sheets and a soft groan.. one that didn't come from Dallon.

"You're with him, aren't you? Ryan is at your apartment the night before our wedding and you don't even feel bad for the things you've done to me. FUCK YOU." I spat before ending the call by throwing my phone against the shower wall of the bathroom, watching as the pieces fall into the bathtub.

The bathtub. Where I should be right now. No one would miss me. Dallon hates me. My parents and siblings hate me. Spencer hates me because I wouldn't believe him about Dallon. No one would miss me.

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