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Brendon must've found what I wrote in his lyric book. I know I must look like the biggest asshole in the universe right now. But, it's not what he thinks. They were LYRICS that I wrote a few months back when I went AWOL. I had taken his book with me to keep me somewhat sane. I missed him so much in those long months and I knew what I had to do when I came back, ask him to marry me. I couldn't live without him and I realized that when I was away.

I wasn't in a very good place and I tried to hide it from him. He didn't and still doesn't deserve my baggage. It's true, I did sleep with Ryan once. But, I ended anything else before it happened. I LOVE Brendon. I know that I shouldn't have written them in HIS book. But, I was drunk and so angry. He pretended that nothing was dysfunctional about our relationship, about us. He just seemed to ignore the fact I was distant. He did ask a few times but I told him I was okay so he wouldn't have that extra baggage.

I fucked up. I know I did. I also know about his mental health and where it must be at this particular moment. I tried to call back, rolling out of my empty bed, and threw on a pair of grey sweats. It went straight to voicemail. I groan and call again, and again... still the same thing.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK." I quickly threw on a shirt, not worrying about shoes or a jacket, and grabbed my keys, running out of my apartment. I called the only person (even if they didn't want to hear from me. I'm a dick. I get it. ) that could possibly help in this situation. Spencer. The line connected after the third ring.

"Spencer. I need your help. It's Brendon. I think he's about to do something stupid if he hasn't already. I need you to meet me at his house soon as possible. I know you don't trust me and I don't blame you. But, please. Do this for Brendon if not for me."

There was silence then a long sigh as I spend around the corner near my apartment. "Fine... But if doesn't come back from whatever he's about to do.. I'm holding you accountable."

"That's fine! I probably deserve it. Please, just meet me at his house."

"See you in ten."

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