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A/N: Rylee's pov will be rare. probably only this one time.


It was usually dark when daddy came to pick me up from Uncle Ty's, but I knew it was still too early to be picked up. I was confused even though I was happy to see my daddy!

I'm always happy to see my daddy! He's been such a good daddy.

I told Aunty Chris and Uncle Spence about the man in mine and Daddy's house this morning. I think his name is Dal - yn. Neither of them seemed to be happy about Dal - yn. I wonder what he did to make them not like him?

I wish that I could understand what the adults mean when they say he 'He's bad news, baby girl' and 'He hurt your daddy badly, Ry' I don't know what any of that means. I want to be a big girl so I can understand what the adults mean.

Uncle Spence was really mad at Dal - yn. I've been playing with Uncle Spence all day because he finally came to see me! I don't see him often but I'm always so excited to see him! Although, I do see a lot of sadness in his pretty blue eyes. They remind me of my own and I thought he was my dad for a while because he was around a lot for the first year of my life. He and Daddy were also so close. But, then I saw the pictures by my daddy's bed and saw the pretty man with soft blue eyes, and I just knew that he was my real dad. I never met him before. They looked so happy in the pictures, and I even stole one of them! I know stealing is bad.. but daddy never noticed it was gone.

Daddy confirmed my thought this morning before Dal - yn woke up, and told me that he was in fact, my real dad! I didn't know what to think about it honestly. I mean, I was happy to know I'm right. I just.. don't know how I feel about him. I stare at Dal - yn for a while because he came with my daddy.

I can hear Daddy and Uncle Spence yelling at each other in the kitchen, and it kinda scares me. I've never heard daddy raise his voice like that before. Dal - yn could see that I'm afraid and sat next to me, wrapping an arm around my tiny frame.

"'S okay, Rylee. Uncle Spencer is mad at your daddy because of me." Dal - yn says and squeezes me tighter when I didn't say anything. I can only guess it's because of my dad's sudden appearance in our lives. I was kinda mad at him for not being there for me. But, he was there now!

I hear something that sounds like a 'pop' that came from the kitchen and it made me jump a little.

Daddy came into the living room with a red cheek and he looks kind of mad. What did Uncle Spence do to him?

"Come on, baby girl." My daddy softly said with a smile. It was sad, but it was there! I can always tell when daddy is sad and try to help him the best I can with cuddles and love as he does for me when I'm hurt or scared. He's the best daddy in the world and he doesn't deserve to be sad. "Dallon wants to take us somewhere tonight. Would you like that?"

I thought about my answer for a few seconds before my little head nods. I still didn't know what to think of Dal - yn, but daddy was going to be there too so I was okay with it long as daddy was with me!

"Okay, go grab your backpack, baby and we can go." My daddy says.

He was talking to Dal - yn while I went to get my bag. I can hear some of the conversations between them.

"Did Spencer hit you?" Dal - yn asks my daddy. He sounded mad.

"It's not a big deal. He's mad because you're back, and says that you'll never change, I'm stupid for letting you back in our lives. y'know the normal stuff people would say in this situation. At least it was an open palm." I could tell my daddy was trying to make a joke in a bad situation like he always does.

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