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The sight that I was met with when I opened the bathroom door made me regret everything I wrote on that stupid page.

I was in a bad mindset and drunk when I wrote it and I didn't even mean any of it. Brendon was my everything. He was so beautiful for a man. He was smart, caring, and meant everything to me.

The only truthful thing was that I slept with Ryan and I regretted it soon as it was over.

Brendon didn't move to acknowledge my presence or one of his best friends behind me.

Tears began to fall as I quickly kneeled next to the tub, pulling him to my chest to find a heartbeat, and let out a loud sob.

I didn't even realize that Spencer had called an ambulance until I heard the sirens closing in. I just cried. I can't imagine a world with you gone.
I'd be so lost if you left me alone. "Please don't leave me!" hold on I still want you, come back I still need you. I swear to love you are my life.

I hear people coming through the house, asking me to move aside so they could get to the love of my life. It took a few times before I finally let go of Brendon and moved to stand next to Spencer as we watched them wheel him out on a stretcher. He wasn't in a body bag so that gave me hope.

They asked if I wanted to ride along in the ambulance and all I could do was nod in response. I felt so useless, so numb.

I crawled in the back of the ambulance while Spencer followed close behind, calling all of our friends and Brendon's family.

I held his hand the entire ride, tightly squeezing it in hopes that he would squeeze back. Nothing came.

There was so much chaos in the small area, trying to give Brendon back the blood he had lost. I sat still, staying out of the EMT'S way, and stared down at the motionless body of the only person that I truly loved. I just wanna hear you say, "baby let's go home."

I take a deep shaky breath to hold back another sob. I can't do this without him. I never could and I realized that in those six months away from him.

It only took a few minutes before we pulled next to the hospital. The EMTs quickly got out and took Brendon with them. I would follow, but I couldn't move and I knew they wouldn't let me in until he woke up. if he did.


Nine hours pass without a word from any doctors or nurses and I haven't sat down since I was able to move. I've been pacing the short distance of the waiting room for nine hours. six steps one way, six more the other.

I began to give up hope around the sixth hour, What is it with us and sixes? And began to break down for another two hours. God, I don't know what I would do if I lost him. I CAN'T lose him.

Another three hours pass before a doctor comes into the waiting room. "Urie?"

I look up with so much hope, but it quickly fades away with the sympathetic look on his face. "N - No," I whisper, slowly moving closer to the man.

"I'm sorry... It took too long for his oxygen to return to his brain and it cut the baby's air supply. I'm so sorry.."

I couldn't move. What did he mean baby? Brendon is a man... that's... what? I felt so numb. I could barely from words. I eventually managed to croack out a reply when the man was about to leave.

"What do you mean? is HE okay though?"

"Oh, he's fine. He's asleep and under psych watch until he's discharged."

"How.. how far along was he and how was that even possible?"

"Four months. He's intersex. I assume you're his partner. He.. never told you?"

I only shake my head, trying to process the information, and sit next to Spencer. We were still the only ones in the room. No one showed up but was still worried about his well-being and told us to keep them updated. I was in such a daze that I didn't realize the doctor said we could visit Brendon before he left until Spencer was dragging me down the hall to his room.

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