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I was becoming even more nervous as Breezy, Ryan, his boyfriend, and I walked up the driveway of the beach house that just happens to be owned by Thomas Rhett.

Breezy was hardcore fangirling next to me, squealing in my ear, and I playfully shoved her with a smile. It made me feel good that she was so happy.

The music could be heard from outside, which made it more interesting since we could hear Thomas singing 'Beautiful Soul' through a karaoke machine. I couldn't help but laugh as we made it to the front door and I rapped my knuckles against the metal, still laughing along with my friends. It was a pretty good cover if I was being honest. Thomas had the voice for it.

Our laughter died down when the door opened and someone none of us have met before looked at us with a raised brow.

"Oh, Um... We're friends of Brendon and Sam." I was kinda nervous, but I kept my cool

"Oh, Brendon isn't here. But Sam's inside." The man said in a southern drawl. "I'm Blake. Nice 'ta meet you."

I frown at the information. I was looking forward to seeing Brendon again. "Nice to meet you, Blake. I'm Dallon and This is Breezy, Ryan, and..."

"George." Ryan's boyfriend finished for me.

"Wait, You're both named George?" Breezy laughed.

"Shut up, Bree." Ryan snapped with an eye roll.

Blake just looks at us, clearly amused.

"So why isn't Brandon here?" I asked out of curiously.

"I think Sam said somethin' about him being sick. I didn't pay that much attention. It's none of my business."

"Ah, Well, I'm going to find Sam. It was nice to meet you, Blake."

Blake raised his glass in a goodbye. Why was everyone from the south so dammed-friendly?

It took me a while but I finally found Sam and Thomas both in the kitchen, talking quietly amongst themselves.

"Hiya, Boys," I say with a grin as I walk into the room. It was nice to be here.

"Dallon!" Thomas says with a grin, walking up to me and patting my shoulder.

"I heard Bren was sick. Is he alright?" I asked Sam, walking up next to him and poured a drink for myself. Sam looks like he had started with the liquor early but I didn't comment on it.

"Yeah, he's okay. I tried to convince him to let me stay with him. But he didn't want to ruin my night even though he could never do that." Sam said with a frown, looking down at his drink and stirs it with one of those little black straws. "The morning sickness seems to be an all-day thing." He adds, taking a drink from the glass without the straw.

"Ah, yeah. I heard that's a possibility for a lot of people. When... we were together he was sick a lot for four months. I just thought he caught some type of stomach bug. But, after that night, I found out differently. I wish he would've told me. That was part of our problem. Communication." I felt like I was rambling and abruptly closed my mouth, looking down at my drink.

"Did you honestly love him?" Sam asked, moving away from the kitchen island that he was leaning against with his elbows, now standing at his full height which was the same as mine. He didn't look threatened, just curious.

I thought about the question for a few seconds, still looking down at my drink and I nod. "Yeah, I did.. hell I still do. But, you have nothing to worry about. I'm not here to try and steal him back. I just - I do love him.. so much. I just wish I had my shit together back then. I still don't have it together now... I-" I take a deep breath and exhale before taking a drink from my glass. " - I want him in my life. Whether it be a friend or even an acquaintance. I'd want him as those rather than nothing at all."

"Why did you cheat on him so many times if you claimed to love him?" Sam asked, tone still curious.

"I ask myself that every day, man. I was young, dumb, and thought I didn't need anyone. But-" I clear my throat because of what I'm about to say will probably bring back emotions I buried two years ago. "- That night I realized I did need someone. Him. I need him more than anything. I honestly realized that six months prior when I left him without a word. I went to Malibu and fucked Breezy. It went on for three months and then I realized she wasn't him, that I needed Brendon more than I thought. I should've been there for him instead of fucking anything that two legs and a heartbeat."

The last comment made both men snort, shaking their heads with a smirk.

I deeply inhale before I continue.

"He had so much going on and I just fucking ignored it, if anything I made it worse. God, how could I be such an insensitive asshole? y'know I just stood there, in his hospital room while he cried for a half-hour in the bathroom the day after his attempt? I just... left the next day and never looked back because that's what I thought he wanted. I never wanted to leave him. But, in retrospect, I don't deserve him. I never did." I sigh, finishing my rant and the last of the liquor in my glass.

"Sorry, Sam. I know you two are together now and I respect that. I guess... I just needed to finally get it off my chest and I'm sorry you and Thomas had to be the ones that happened to be listening at the time."

"Well, that's where you're wrong," Sam says, shaking his head with a soft smile, lazily taking another drink before he continued. "We're not together and he isn't expecting. We've been friends for almost a year and we had an agreement. He helps with my lyrics and I help him make you jealous if we ever happen to run into you while working."

I was standing there in disbelief, staring at the man next to me. I couldn't speak, let alone move. Does that mean he still cares if he's trying to make me jealous?

"Oh, and he heard every bit of what you said. I called him soon as you walked in." He pulled his phone out of his side pocket, putting it on speaker, and set it on the island. "Say hi breny."

The only thing I heard coming from the other line were soft sobs...

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