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I watch Brendon help Rylee out of the chair and grab her bag, and walk away from the table towards the door.

"Bren, wait." I get up from my seat and jog to catch up to them. I can't lose them again. I know I've been stupid in the past. But, Brendon is my life, the one I want above anyone else, breezy included.

Brendon quickly turns around. I thought he was about to deck me so I take a step back before he could. "Save it, Dallon. I don't wanna hear any more excuses or explanations. Do you know how betrayed I felt when I found out that you were fucking Breezy? Did you even care? You probably didn't then and I don't know if you even do now. Can you imagine how betrayed I feel now that I find out that you knocked her up around the same time you did me?!" Brendon scoffs, throwing his hands in the air while Rylee clings to his thigh. "I guess it doesn't matter. Does it? Nothing mattered when it came to me, did it?"

I didn't know what to say to any of that. I guess I never did think about his feelings back then until I came back from Malibu. I felt like a total prick because he wasn't wrong, excluding the part where I don't care about his feelings now. I do!

Brendon was about to walk out the door and I knew if he left this time, there was no coming back from this. I quickly snapped out of the shock and gently grabbed his wrist. He was surprised and jumps.

"I've done some horrible things to you, I've made mistakes, cheated and lied. I've got nothing to hide no more. But, I got one thing right, you. You saw right through me, kept patient while I found what I wanted. You never thought about leaving me until you found out about Ryan.. and the others. When I was getting crazy, reckless and wild, acting like my mama's little devilish child, it took a heart like yours to find its place. I've been wrong about a million times but I got one thing right, you."

"I can't fucking do this, Dallon. Your actions say differently and I can't fucking do this. You can see Rylee anytime you want, you can bring Knox and let them play like siblings. But, I can't fucking do this. give me a year, prove to me that you've changed, and then maybe I can do this. I can't trust you."

I can understand where he's coming from and the anger behind his words. He didn't tell me about Rylee for two years. But, she's mine and Knox is not his.

I was heartbroken by his words because they were true. I damaged him so badly that he couldn't trust anymore. I'm such a selfish, self-destructive asshole. I used to be anyway. I wanted to make Brendon, Rylee, and Knox my main priorities in life and that's exactly what I'll do.

"Okay. If that's what you want, then I'll wait long as you need. I'll prove to you that I'm not the same.. boy I used to be." I softly say, kissing the top of his head.

Brendon didn't even react to the kiss. He only nods, picks up Rylee, and walks out the door. I fucked up so bad.

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