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New Year: 2022

Brendon and I have been working on our relationship for six months, and things have been really good between us, or at least I think they have been.

I've honestly never been happier, and I can see Brendon has been smiling more. That's all I want to see is his beautiful genuine smile, and I want to be the one who makes him smile.

I bring him a single blue rose each day, even if he's away on business, I'll leave it on the kitchen island with the rest of them. He loves blue roses and I like the meaning behind them; a fresh start in a relationship. We've had a few dates here and there, some of them were just us and sometimes we took Rylee along, and sometimes Knox. I've been staying with Brendon and Rylee in one of the guest bedrooms because my apartment caught fire three months into fixing our relationship, and Brendon didn't hesitate to offer me a room.

I help him with Rylee when he's away for business. It's not very often, but I can tell that he appreciates the help, and I'm glad he trusts me enough to leave her with me. I know it's not the same trust that I'm trying to gain back, but it's a start.

I was true to my word, I haven't slept with anyone in six months, not even Brendon. I haven't been looking for anyone to have sex with. I haven't been looking at anyone other than Brendon for six months. I don't want to look at anyone other than him.

I spent a little time with Breezy, her family, and Knox on Christmas Eve and she let me have Knox on Christmas day so we could spend it with Brendon and Rylee. It was the best day of my life for the simple fact I got to spend it with the people I care about. We spent the whole morning together, and that night, we visited Brendon's parents. Mine was there too. Our moms are the ones who introduced us when we were children, and we were inseparable until I fucked things up.

Neither of our parents knows Rylee is biologically ours, and they probably never will. Brendon still has BDD and GD ( Body dysmorphic disorder and Gender Dysphoria) because he is intersex and I've noticed he said fuck you to gender roles by wearing more feminine clothing. ( not just the jeans anymore. ) I'm so proud of him for taking that step in his life and I've supported his decision. I'm not gonna lie because it's something I don't do anymore, but he looks really hot in them.

Christmas was amazing, it was for all of us. I feel as if it brought all of us closer to each other. ( Brendon, me, and the kids. ) Brendon's parents never accepted that he could love anyone, but they haven't said anything about it. They just continue to pretend that he doesn't exist like the rest of his family. They didn't even speak to him, only me, my parents, and the kids. I know it broke him a little more with each minute we sat in that house. He doesn't deserve to be treated like that. My parents took over and kept him company. They have always been more of parents to him than his own, and I'm grateful for them.

Brendon is the strongest person I know. I've put him through so much shit, he raised Rylee for the first two years of her life by himself, and his family pretends he doesn't exist. Yet, he bounces back each time. I know it's because of Rylee, and I hope sometimes it's because of me too.

I leave him little notes around the house sometimes, telling him how much he's loved by Rylee and me. I let Rylee draw something to go along with the notes. I always see him smile after he reads them and kiss the side of my lips each time.

Knox has even taken a liking to Brendon. Well, more like following him like Bogart and ask random questions to purposely annoy him, but Brendon doesn't mind because Rylee does it out of curiosity.

I love what my life has become in these six months. I love the small family that I have even if Brendon and I aren't official. Although, that's something I want to do tonight at our new year's party.

It was hard to find a babysitter for two three-year-olds in the new year. I have Knox because Breezy had plans and figured we didn't because of Rylee. I didn't mind, but we did and still do have plans. So, we asked around in our small circle of friends to see if anyone was willing to watch the kids for the night. Cameron, Tyler's sister instantly took the offer.

We dropped them off at her house three hours ago and it was nearly midnight. My nerves were getting the best of me while I sipped the beer that I've had all night. I promised Brendon that I wouldn't drink too much since he couldn't. I was trying to be the best non - boyfriend I could be.

There were a few people, more like the majority of the party, that wasn't too happy because I was there. I honestly didn't care, and neither did Brendon.

It was twenty minutes until midnight and I went to search for Brendon, finding him in the kitchen. He was sitting on the island and chatting up a few friends. I couldn't look away because he was just so beautiful with the fluorescent lights accenting his pale skin. I stood there for a few minutes until someone passed by and shoulder-checked me. I pull my gaze away from Brendon to see that It was Spencer.

"You got a problem?" I ask with a raised brow, hiding my annoyance.

"Yeah, you," Spencer mumbled, shoving me in the chest. I was taller, and a little stronger than him so I didn't budge. I take another sip from my warm beer, brow still raised. "Y'know, I can charge you with assault for that. But, wouldn't that be petty? Go sleep it off, Spencer."

Brendon must've heard our bickering because he was now standing right next to me, looking between the two of us in a confused manner. "I don't know what's going on here, and I probably don't wanna know, but I'm putting a stop to it right now."

"Dallon hit me!" Spencer says in a rush.

Brendon snorts. "Bullshit. You pushed him. I'm not that stupid, Spencer. I saw the whole thing. Go home."

I watch Spencer huff and stomp away, clearly pissed. Neither of us really cared.

The music stopped when the song changed into something I actually knew and I wrap my arm around Brendon's waist, pulling him closer to me with a smirk. It was a song we were both familiar with. Forever and Always.

We never made it an official song of ours, but it was damn close.

I can hear the countdown over the lyrics. 5...4...3... I lean in slowly and press my lips to his right when the ball drops. Neither of us moves for a few seconds until his lips start to move against mine in a lazy kiss. One that felt like it could last for centuries. I hear fireworks outside and on the TV.

And somehow in this moment, the world catches alight, and all I see is fire reflected in your eyes and in this very moment there's only me and you we'll let it burn around us and watch the world undo.

The timing was perfect, everything was perfect in my life for once, and I've never been so grateful.

Brendon kisses me as if his life depended on it, and maybe it did. I know mine did.

I didn't want to pull away, but I needed air and I slowly press my forehead against his and sang along with the lyrics.

"If this is the end of the world then I wanna spend it with you there is not a single thing that I would rather do than kiss you and tell you I love you and watch it all go up in flames take my hand, don't say goodbye Forever and always."

It was like the crowd of people faded away and it was only him and I in the world. I could only focus on him while we subconsciously swayed, and that's how it's meant to be.

I was planning to ask Brendon to be my boyfriend and make things official, but my mind had other plans.

"Marry me." I whisper before pulling him in for another kiss.

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