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"Sam, can you bring D - Dallon by my place?" I hiccuped from crying so hard. The tears have stopped by now. I don't have any more to shed. Why was I so stupid? I should've known he did care back then even if he didn't show it and did it the most fucked up way. We were both young when were first started dating eight years ago. We were both sixteen at the time, and six years later at 22 was still young to be forever.

I should've seen that and realized that Dallon wasn't ready for that even if he was the one who asked. Maybe he was at the time when he asked. Maybe everything changed when he came back after those six months but my mind wouldn't let me believe that he could change.. or wanted to. I needed to see him.. to tell the truth.

"Sure, sweetheart. You alone tonight?" Sam would've been a good partner if he were gay or even bisexual.

"No, You know that. I'm never alone." Dallon was probably confused and the noise I heard from the other line only proved my point. "I'll explain when you get here, Dallon. It's... not what you think. I never dated anyone after you. How could I?"

I couldn't date anyone because I was never over him and I also couldn't trust anyone easily. I still can't. I trust Spencer, Tyler, Sam, and Thomas because they're friends and not lovers. Friends I trust. Maybe Dallon and I can become friends again... Although he probably wouldn't want to see me again after tonight because I kept this from him for two years..

"Alright, Sweetheart. We'll be there in twenty. I'll have dally-o here drive. I've been drinking since I got here."

"Sam, that was four hours ago! Are.. you okay?" I asked with concern in my tone.

"Yeah, I'm good, Bren. Just having a little fun. We'll be there soon."

I could hear the music fade away. I can only assume they were walking out to Dallon's car.

I sigh and nod even though it couldn't be seen. "Alright. see you soon." I ended the call and roamed around my house in an attempt to keep my anxiety at bay until I heard crying coming from my bedroom..

— — —


True to his word, Sam and I arrived twenty minutes later. Now I can see why Brendon wanted Sam to bring me. I've never seen this place before in my life. I guess that was to be expected. He moved out of his apartment two weeks after that night. I couldn't blame him. I knew there were too many memories.. good and bad.

Sam was still a little intoxicated and stumbled up the steps to the two-story home. It felt so out of place for something in LA. It reminded me of my family home in Utah. It was a plain white with shudders around the windows, a BIG yard, and it looks to be on the outskirts of the city. It was dark so I couldn't see what was in the yards. But, it all seemed so nice.. There wasn't anyone neighbors nearby. Maybe Brendon finally got what he wanted.. a family. Even if he said that he hasn't dated anyone since we split, I can't help but think he finally found what he wanted.

Sam finally knocks on the door lazily, I awkwardly stand beside him. He didn't look so good..

"Sam, you okay, man?" I ask and pat his shoulder in a friendly manner. He didn't reply, only leaning over the bushes and lost all the alcohol that was in his stomach. I could only assume he started drinking on an empty one because it was all liquid. I scrunched up my face, taking a step back when the front door swings open.

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