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I don't know how I managed to get so lucky again. I know that I never truly deserved Brendon's forgiveness. But, he was able to forgive me. it only took two years and two unintentional meetups for all the truth to come out like it was always meant to.

I promise on my last dying breath that I will never lie to him ever again, and I even told him that. Well, unless it was to save someone else, keep a secret for a friend, or something simple like that. But, I will never sleep with anyone else that isn't him. I really didn't need to back then. I was just in such a terrible place where I thought I didn't need anyone permanently. I was so wrong...

It's nearly three a.m, and I'm still at Brendon's house, sitting in his living room, catching up on what happened in the last two years.

Apparently, he never moved to Georgia but visited a few friends that he made through Sam and Thomas. He's been living in LA this whole time, right under my nose and I didn't even know.

Brendon also confirmed that he is on hiatus for his music and only taking jobs to write lyrics. It pays just the same if he was writing his own. Now I understand why he decided to do it. Because of Rylee.

Rylee will be starting Preschool next year and he said she seems to be excited about it.

Brendon never told Rylee about me, and I can't blame him. But, even for a two-year-old, she was smart because she apparently found an old picture of us and said 'dad.' Which he thought was odd since she called him daddy.

Maybe it was her intelligence, or the universe wasn't out to get me after all. I don't care about the reasoning, all I care about is this moment, here and now. Where I get to spend time with my family that should have been, and could still be in the future.

I swear to everything that I am, I will not fuck this up again.

Rylee was still asleep, now laying her head on Brendon's lap where his hand combs through her loose brown curls. One of his legs crossed atop of the other. God, he looks so happy. It's almost as if he was a natural at the parenting thing, but, of course, he had two years of experience with little to no help. He explained that she was a heavy sleeper like himself. I found it slightly amusing that he slept through her crying several times. I can believe it.

Brendon told me the nights and the days alone with her at home were the hardest. His friends did help during the day when they could. But, I can only imagine how hard it could've been without help on those lonely days and nights.

I was offered some wine when we first started our conversation and I accepted without thinking. I thought it was a little weird that Brendon didn't have a glass with me. I wanted to ask why, and I did three hours later. I remember that part of the problem before was communication and it took a while for my intoxicated mind to remember that.

"Oh, I haven't had a drink in two years. I can't drink. I probably wouldn't even if I could. It Fu - messes with my medication, and I probably wouldn't because of Rylee." I was proud of his save there, and I smirk even if I didn't tell him that.

"Yeah, I can understand that."

Brendon hums in response. I can tell he's in that sleepy state where he could lay down and he would be asleep in seconds. I've seen him in that state more often than not.

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