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The smell of bacon, something crashing to the ground, and few curses coming from Brendon woke me up. I don't remember falling asleep. It took a few seconds for my brain that was still fogged with sleep to catch on to where I was.

I was in Brendon's bed. Oh. that's okay. It was just a normal morning. I smile and stretch, still laying on my side. I couldn't resist smiling like the fucking idiot that I am.


I quickly sat up, too quickly, I might add, and almost flop back on the bed. I swear I could feel my brain move around a little from the force.


It wasn't a normal morning. No, we broke up two years ago. I look down and see that I'm still wearing the clothes from last night.

Okay, so nothing sexual happened. So, what am I doing in his house, let alone his bed?

Oh, Right.

Everything from the previous night came back to me rather easily once I began to wake up a little more, reaching to rub the sleep away with my palm.

I came here to talk and find out that I have a daughter that is also Brendon's. I also found out that he still has feelings for me. I didn't find that one too odd because I regretted everything that happened to us in the past and even though I was a complete asshole and didn't show it then, I did love him and never stopped a day in my life.

I'm sure it was hard for him. I can only imagine how much of a mess he must've been in the last two years. But then again, we were both broken and hurt.

I sigh from my stupidity and reach for my phone on the bedside table, slipping it in the front pocket of my jeans, and head to the bathroom to take a morning piss, wash my hands, and snoop around a little.

It was mostly to see if I could find a spare toothbrush, but if I were truly being honest, I was looking for something that I haven't seen in two years and hoped to God they weren't there.

After a few minutes of searching, I find a spare toothbrush that was never opened in one of the many drawers. This bathroom was huge! I'm sure I would've gotten lost if I came in here in my half-asleep morning haze. Luckily, my thoughts woke me up rather quickly.

I didn't find anything else that I was looking for. Maybe Rylee helped him more than I ever could. Calling Rylee our 'miracle child' was a severe understatement if that were true.

I brushed my teeth with the spare toothbrush, using Brendon's toothpaste of course, and placed it beside his. I was feeling a little more curious and began to roam around his room, seeing more pictures on a few dressers and the walls. God, he had them everywhere.

I stopped in pacing and lowered my hand from the wall where they had been dragging against the smooth surface. I can't believe my eyes. Right next to the bed, on his side no less, was a picture of the two of us. It was old, very old, it was before we even got together the first time when we were teenagers.

See, Brendon was my best friend before either of us came out to ourselves and each other. It was hard to tell him that I was bi because I thought he was straight! Come to find out, he was pansexual. I've always been Bisexual. But, when I started to like boys, mainly Brendon, It kind of freaked me out. He was my best friend and I was afraid he would shut me out once he realized I like both the opposite and same-sex. I was so wrong. Brendon was nothing but understanding and soon followed my lead and came out as pansexual at the same hour.

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