What's A Soulmate?

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Alberto x Luca

Alberto's POV

Me, Luca, and Giulia were at her place sitting at the kitchen table just goofing around. Massimo was busy doing some fishing work at the moment so it was just us and the cat of course which was sleeping in the middle of the table.

"As much as I would love to stay longer I should go help my parents with some chores back at home." Luca said as he got up from his seat. I was honestly a bit sad to see him go so soon as I love spending time with him.

"Ciao!" Giulia said as she waved to him. Luca smiled as he waved back at her.

"See you later, Alberto!" He said as he waved to me as well. I didn't say anything as I was too busy admiring that smile of his as I waved back at him. I was pulled out of my daze when I heard the door shut.

"As we were saying.. oh yeah! I was talking about Jake. I swear Alberto, that guy is my soulmate." Giulia said as she sighed smiling to herself. I cocked an eyebrow at her, confused as I never heard of the term 'soulmate' before.

"What's a soulmate?" I asked.

"It's like a best friend, but more." She said.


"Best friends till the end, right?" Luca said as he smiled up at me. I smiled back as I swung my arm around his shoulders.

"Best friends till the end!" I said.

"Come on! Let's go build another Vespa now." He said as he ran off.

My face fell as I got this weird feeling in my stomach. Like, I wanted to be more than just his best friend..


"It's the one person in the world who knows you better than anyone else." She said.


"I know you better than you think I do!" Luca said. I smirked at him.

"Oh yeah? What am I thinking then? On the count of three." I said. He nod his head.



"THREE! ICE CREAM!" We both shouted.

"Ha! Told ya!" Luca said. I smiled as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Now how about we go get some ice cream? Sounds good!" I said. Luca agreed as we raced each other to the ice cream place.


"That someone who makes you a better person. No, actually they don't make you a better person. You do that yourself because they inspire you." She said.


Me and Luca were just walking around town until we ran into Ercole.

"Look who it is! Number one and number two." Ercole said as he walked up with his two minions by his side, Ciccio and Guido.

"Sorry Ercole, but we don't have time for this today." I said obviously annoyed.

"Don't have time? It's not like you two do anything anyways. I just wanted to have some fun." Ercole said as he flicked my forehead. I growled as I went to charge at him until I felt Luca's hand on my shoulder.

"Alberto, don't. He's not worth it." He said. I looked over at him, our eyes connecting.

'This isn't you.' I reminded myself as I took a deep breath.

"Let's go, Luca." I said as we walked off.

"That's right! Walk away like you always do!" Ercole shouted as him and his minions laughed.


"A soulmate is someone you carry with you forever. It's one person who knew you, accepted you, and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would. And no matter what happens, you'll always love them and nothing could ever change that." She said. I nod my head as I couldn't stop thinking about Luca.

"Luca's my soulmate.." I quietly said to myself. Not quiet enough though as Giulia smiled at me.

"I could of told you that one! I see the way you look at each other." She said.

"Wait, how does he look at me?" I asked.

"He gives you the look. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about." She said.

"So, should I confess to him when he gets back or what?" I asked.

"You should plan something romantic for him! I can help." She said.

"You would really do that?" I asked. She nod her head.

"Of course! Come on. Let's get started." She said as she got up from her seat and headed towards the door.

"Wait, wait, wait! I know the perfect place to do this!" I said as I ran to catch up with Giulia with the perfect idea.

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