My Breaking Point

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Suicidal Alberto x Luca


Suicide is mentioned in this chapter!

This was requested.

Alberto's POV

Everything was going so perfect. Me and Luca were on the right track to get that Vespa to ride away.. together. That's until Giulia told him about school and he really wants to go to school.

Who would wanna go to school anyways?

I sighed as I sat alone on top of the tower. I hugged my knees close to my chest as a tear ran down my cheek. Flashbacks of what happened moments ago running through my head..


"Sea monster!" Luca shouted as he pointed his finger at me. My eyes widened as a sharp pain went through my heart.

"You hear that? This way!" I could hear Ercole yell. That didn't matter to me.

The boy I fell for betrayed me..

I reached out for him hoping he'd change his mind.

"Luca?" I said. He looked down as Giulia grabbed a stick and pointed it at me.

"Stay back!" She shouted.

"Sea monster! There it is!" Ercole shouted as we all looked over. I looked over at Luca before turning to walk away into the sea as harpoons nearly missed me.

"NO!" Luca screamed. I looked back at him one last time before going into the sea and disappearing from their sight.


Before Luca came into my life I was even thinking about taking my life. I had nothing to live for, but then I met him and all of a sudden I had everything to live for. That's changed now..

Now I had nothing to live for.

I wiped my tears as I got up on my feet and walked down the stairs to the human things I've collected. I know I had a whole bottle of pills somewhere that I took from a boat before. That was before meeting Luca back when I had a plan ready.

I grabbed the bottle of pills and headed back up the stairs. I sat on my knees as I looked up at the sky looking at all of the fishes.

'I'll be one of you soon..'


Luca's POV

I sat at the shore looking out to the island. Giulia found out that I was a sea monster as well and I had to go. I couldn't stop thinking about Alberto though. I felt terrible for what I did and wish I could take it back. I mean, after all..

He's the boy I fell for and hell, did I fall hard too.

I jumped into the sea determined to make things right with him as I swam to the island. Once I got there I dried off and the first thing I notice is how Alberto tore the ladder from the tower down. That didn't stop me. With all the strength I had I climbed up the tower. When I got to the first floor I notice how everything was destroyed and scattered everywhere. I took some time to look around. When I looked down I saw the drawing he made of us torn in half. I sighed as I looked up and noticed a bunch of marks on the wall.

'What do those mean?' I thought. I crossed my arms over my chest as I looked at the stairs that led to the top part of the tower.

"Alberto?" I called out as I walked towards the stairs. I didn't get an answer assuming he was ignoring me which I didn't blame him for. I walked up the stairs and looked over to find him passed out on the ground. My eyes widened as I rushed over to him.

"Alberto?!" I said as I sat him up in my arms. That's when I noticed the empty bottle of pills.

My heart dropped as I realized what was happening.

"No.. no, no, no!" I said as I dragged Alberto to the edge of the tower. I sat him up over the edge and stuck my fingers down his throat.

"Come on!" I said as I stuck them back further. He started to gag and finally threw up the pills he took over the edge. I sighed in relief as he began to cough.

"Luca?" He said as he fell to the floor and looked over at me.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!" I screamed as I pushed his shoulder.

"Hey! What the-"

"YOU COULD OF DIED!" I shouted.

"THAT WAS THE POINT!" He shouted back. My eyes widened as I was taken back. I shut my eyes and let out a deep breath before looking back up at him.

"I can't lose you, Alberto.." I said.

"Yeah? Well, you should of thought that before.." He said as he looked away from me.

"Look.. I know what I said and did.. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. It's just, I wanted it so bad. I panicked and got scared and.. I- I didn't mean to.. *sighs* then I got scared. Scared I would never see you again. I came here to make things right and seeing you like that.. I- I thought I lost my whole world.." I said. He looked over at me with a shocked expression on his face.

"You know, before meeting you I always thought about taking my life.. then you came along and everything changed. When I thought I lost you.. I broke and.. I'm sorry, Luca. For doing that to you." He said as we looked into each other's eyes. It felt like the perfect moment to do this so with no hesitation..

I kissed him.

I felt him cup my cheek as he deepened the kiss. We pulled apart for air as we rested our foreheads against each other's.

"I wanna ride away with you." I whispered. He smiled.

"Then let's go win this race."

Luca x Alberto One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now