Never Good Enough

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Alberto x Anorexia Luca


Anorexia will be mention in this chapter and if that triggers you I recommend you do not read this.

A little side note though..

In case nobody told you today: you are beautiful, you are loved, you are needed, you are strong, you are enough.❤️

Luca's POV

Everybody said he was a winner

"You're a winner, Luca!" Alberto's voice boomed through my head.

I sighed as I looked at my reflection through the bathroom mirror before stripping from my clothes. I examined my body, running my fingers along my skin.

My ribs were sticking out, collar bones clear as day, my arms look like sticks along with my legs, and my face was now sunken in. I was as pale as a ghost with heavy bags under my eyes.

"Do I look like a winner now, Alberto?" I whispered as tears stung my eyes.

No one knew the secret kept within him


"You sure you don't want lunch, Luca?" Giulia asked. I forced a small smile on my face as I nod my head.

"I'm sure."


Starving for perfection


"Here. I think you need this more than I do." A girl said as she threw a magazine on my desk and walked away while snickering.

I looked down to read the title, 'Tips On How To Lose Weight.'

I sighed.

'Am I not doing enough?'


Hating his reflection

Tears rolled down my cheeks as a sob escaped from my mouth. I dug my nails into my stomach and dragged them across it.

'I deserved that.'

This all started when people at school begin to point out my flaws. Saying how chubby I was and how I could lose a few pounds. I started to believe what people were saying and started feeling bad about myself. I decided to lose a few pounds and maybe I could be happy. Maybe I could feel good about myself again, but then I started to become obsessed with it. What was suppose to be a few pounds became way more than that. I couldn't stop. I can't stop. Food is all I think about. No matter how much I lose I still don't feel good enough.

He tries harder than the average teen

An overachiever with low self-esteem


"Luca! You've been doing amazing in my class. You sure you're not suppose to be in advanced math?" My teacher asked making me chuckle.

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