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Alberto x Scared Luca

This was requested! :)

Astraphobia is extreme fear of thunder and lightning.

Luca's POV


My eyes shot opened as I quickly sat up being suddenly awoken from my sleep. Lightning struck and I could see the light from it that peeked through Alberto's window making me jump. I looked over to my right to see Alberto aka, my major crush and best friend sleeping soundly on his bed.

I've always had this extreme fear of thunderstorms and they usually cause me to have panic attacks because how scared I am of them. I tried doing some breathing exercises before trying to lay back down. I didn't want to be a bother to Alberto. As soon as I tried closing my eyes thunder struck making me sit up. I started to hyperventilate as my body begin to shake in fear. I got up on my feet and turned to Alberto debating if I should wake him or not.

'He'll think you're annoying.'

'No he wouldn't. He's always been there for you so why is now any different?'

'Just wake him!'


Thunder struck again making the house shake a bit. I gasped as tears stung my eyes. I didn't need to debate anymore as I shook Alberto's shoulder.

"A- Alberto! Wake up!" I whispered yelled. He groaned as he rubbed his eyes before opening them.

"Luca? What's wrong-" Thunder struck making me jump on the bed with Alberto. I curled up into a ball with my knees to my chest.

"You're scared of thunderstorms, huh?" He asked. I nod my head.

"Come here. I wanna show you something." He said as he snaked his arms around my waist before pulling me to his chest with my back facing him.

"I found this book. I thought you would like it." He said as he pulled out a book from beneath his bed.

"I know you love learning about the galaxy so I thought I would scoop this up from the book store." He said as he showed me. My eyes lit up as I smiled.

"Y- You got this? For me?" I asked as I took the book.

"Yeah! Here. Let's read it together. I could use some learning." He said making me chuckle.

We sat there like that with each other reading the book together. I completely forgot a thunderstorm was even happening and soon fell asleep in Alberto's arms.

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