"It's Just A Party."

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Alberto x Luca

There will be violence and homophobia in this.

Luca's POV

"I'm not so sure." I said as my boyfriend, Alberto slipped his shoes on. We were at my house in my room hanging till Giulia sent us a text about her throwing a party.

Giulia's a popular girl at our school who befriended us a few months ago after defending us from the football team.

"It's just Giulia throwing a party." He said.

"Yeah, but she said she invited the whole school. Meaning the football team is going to be there and they hate us just for being together." I said.

"Giulia's our friend. She wouldn't let them do anything to us." He said. I sighed as he sat down next to me on my bed.

"It'll be fun! Come on. Afterwards, I'll stay over and we can watch your favorite movie together with some popcorn. Cuddling and falling asleep together after having such a nice night. Plus, this will be our first high school party together!" He said. I looked over at him to see he was giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"Nooo, not the puppy dog eyes." I said. He stuck his bottom lip out and whimpered.

"Please?" He asked.

"Ugh! Fine.. we'll go." I said even though I had a bad feeling in my gut about it. He smiled as he jumped up from my bed pumping his fist up and down in excitement.

"You won't regret this!" He said as gave me a few pecks on the lips. I giggled as I got up getting ready and slipped my shoes on before we walked out of my room.

"Where are you guys going?" My mom asked. My dad was at the kitchen table reading a book paying no attention.

"We're heading to Giulia's." I said. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Who's Giulia?" She asked.

"A friend from school." I said. She nod her head.

"What are you guys going to be doing over there?" She asked.

"You ask a lot of questions." Alberto said. I nudged his shoulder as he chuckled.

"She's throwing a party." I said.

"You're not suppose to tell her that!" Alberto whispered yelled to me.

"A party?" My mom asked.

"A small party. Just us and a few other people." I said which was obviously a lie to which she didn't know that.

"I don't know-"

"Come on mom. It's just a party." I said. She sighed as she smiled at us.

"Fine. You two go have fun." She said.

"We'll be back before midnight." I said before we walked out and headed over to Giulia's place.

When we got to Giulia's place there were people in the front yard and inside the house. Red solo cups laid everywhere in the front yard along with paper plates.

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