Boyfriends And Begging

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I stormed into my dorm room crying. I dropped all my stuff and flopped down onto the couch covering my face with my hands. I practically just cried all day.

When my phone buzzed I look at it, it was a text message from that guy "Hey I was just wondering if you had plans for today or if you were interested in dinner?" I thought about it and decided to reply with "I'm up for dinner but I mean we don't even know each other's names"
"I'm Spencer but you can just call me Spence if you'd like." he replied quickly "Y/n but you can go with what you called me in class. 😉" I typed out, I was  willing to start dating this guy to get my mind off Yelena.

"Cutie? 😏" he questioned "😇" I sent back "what's your dorm room? I'll pick you up at 8" he wanted to know "I'm in 32B I'll see you at 8, handsome." I type out hesitant to send it but I send it anyway then I put my phone down and went to get ready put on a tight and short dress some rings and a deinty necklace I curled my hair and went for a mature smoky eye make up look with a red lip.

I checked the time I had 10 minutes before Spencer was going to pick me up.

Suddenly my phone started ringing it was an unknown ID I picked up anyway "Hello? Who's this?" I question "Y/n please don't hang up!" Yelena's voice rings through my ears "Yelena. I'm not having this conversation with you. I don't want to hear anything you have to say. Neither do I have time. I'm going on a date! With Spencer." I wasn't sure why I told her about the date but I couldn't take my words back now, could I. "Just cancel or postpone it or something." Yelena says frustration coating her voice. "I'm not a flake. I'm certainly not becoming one for you out of all people." I say angrily. "Me out of people? What's that suppose to mean?!" she asks "I'm not flaking for someone who hurt me like you did!" I yell out and hear a faint gasp from Yelena. That was the first time I said that out loud and also the first time that I admitted to myself that Yelena had hurt me. "Y-Y/n please let me make this right!" I scoff "Yelena don't fucking lie! Why would you want to make something YOU called a MISTAKE right?! I have to go." I hissed and immediately hung up on her.

I fixed my hair up a bit and then there was a knock on my door. I opened the door to be greeted by a bouquet of roses I blushed at the chivalrous gesture."Are you ready for tonight Y/n/n?" he said and added a nickname he had made up for me. I smile as I take the flowers "Sure am. Just let me put these in some water and then we can go." I say while going to the kitchen and he followed me. I put the flowers in some water and caught Spencer staring at me.

I smile "What are you staring at?" I questioned with a smirk. I found it cute how the boy in front of me went a little red. He quickly composed himself "At my future girlfriend?" he said at an attempt to fluster me but I wasn't fazed I just smirked "Why future girlfriend? Why not just girlfriend?" I say "Wow alright! Wait, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked and I nod with a smirk at least now I'll be able to get my mind off Yelena I thought to myself.

He came up to me and put his hands on my waist and kissed me, I wasn't expecting that but I kissed him back. "All the guys in class like you, you know that?" he says smirking I giggled and shook my head 'no' "Well they do. But now you're mine and they don't get to stare at my girl anymore." he states "Defensive, are we now? Are you going to be like my guard dog now?" I laugh "Only if you want me to princess." he says "Hm. I'd like that. You'll be my puppy. That's what I'm calling you now." I state and he laughs "I'm fine with that princess." he says repeating the pet name "Is that what I am?" I ask with a smile. "Sure are. You ready to go?" he asks, I nod.

We went to a restaurant to eat and then went back to my dorm. I thought to myself that I might actually like this guy he kept fludding me in compliments and was very affectionate in public too which I found nice.

He sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.  "What does my princess want to watch?" he asked "Can we watch (TV show or movie of your choice)?" I ask him and he nodded "I'm going to change into something more comfortable I'll be back in a second." I state he nods once again. I go and change into some sweats and a oversized T.

I walk out of my room and snuggle up to my new possibly genuine boyfriend and I spent the night binging movies and TV shows while he whispered sweet nothings to me he even gave me his hoodie.

Monday came quickly. When I entered the classroom holding Spencers hand he said proudly looking at the boys "She's mine boys. So eyes and hands off." I however glanced at Yelena and her face was once again priceless.

Her eyes burnt hate and Jealousy into Spencer's head. Only visible to me of course. Spencer and I took our seats. Yelena passed the tests out when she came up to me "You've improved a lot, great job, but I'd still like to talk to you after class." She states I look down at my paper. Instead of the usual 50-60% there's 90% in front of me.

I can't help but smile at my test."Good job princess." I hear from Spencer by the look of my professors face I could tell she heard him. "Thank you." I whisper back, kissing his cheek quickly once Yelena turned around.

Once the lesson ended I stayed back. Once every one was out "Is he your boyfriend now?" Yelena said her tone full of jealousy and haterd just like her stares.

"Yeah. What about it?" I say unfazed "So are you quitting? Or not now that your BoYfRiEnD is here?" she said mockingly I roll my eyes "If you want me to quit I can quit. Throw me out for all I care Yelena. You know, you're the one who said that what YOU did was a mistake and that it would never happen again. I moved on now so why are you still so pissed? You can gladly talk to me when you get your own damn head straight, alright?" I say lowly "I'm pissed because I like you and hate myself for hurting and scaring you. I only said it was a mistake and that it wouldn't happen again because I was scared of losing my job! But you keep making it harder for me to keep it all hidden! You go and start dating a guy over a weekend! And yes! It makes me so fucking jealous and angry because I wish that would be me your kissing and my hand your holding but the chance of that happening keeps slipping further and further away! And it's all because I was scared of my feelings! She blurts out quickly.

I hum in response "Let me at least try to make it right. Let me take you out! This weekend. At my place. Please!" she's practically begging at this point "Ok." I agree because I've been craving her touch since I ran out of her apartment a couple weeks ago.

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