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It's dark when my eyes flutter open. I must've fallen asleep. "Wait! Wh-where are you going!?" I rasp out when I notice Yelena collecting her things "Go back to sleep, my love. I'll come back to you in a moment, I thought that packing my shit up before I sleep would be smart so I don't have to put up with it in the morning." She says genuinely
and I nod and watch her as she walks back to me once she's done. I gesture grabby hands towards her. She smiles laying back down. She kisses my temple and I hum. "He's not going to hurt you anymore." She whispers as she threads her fingers through my hair. I hum.

In the morning I wake to Yelena on the phone with someone, seems like the end of the conversation though. "Lena? Who were you talking to?" I ask as she says goodbye and hangs up. "Don't worry about it Детка. (Baby)" I huff "You're really not going to tell me who it was?" I pout at her. She strokes across my cheekbone "If I tell you you'll freak out. So. No?" She quickly pecks my lips. "I promise I won't!" I push "I know you will," she says sweetly and I groan "You're mean." I say pulling the blanket over myself and turning away from Yelena.

I feel a finger poke my side and I grumble in response. "посмотри на меня детка (Look at me baby)" Yelena says as she pulls the cover off and I look up at her.  I smile at her "What?" She asks and my grin grows wider "I love when you talk to me in Russian." I confess, she smiles and kisses my forehead. "Well I like it just as much when you're the one talking" she declares. I get up and walk up to her "хорошо знать (Good to know)" I say back with a smirk but it fades when I notice the time "Spencer is gonna be here any minute" I stress.

She shakes her head 'no' and I shoot her a confused look. She sighs before elaborating "Don't freak out though." She warns and I nod slowly "I was on the phone with the principal" I feel the color drain from my face. My thoughts race. 'Was she fired?!' 'What is gonna happen to Spencer?!' 'What if I'm suspended?!' "Ты в порядке, моя любовь? (Are you ok my love?)" She softly questions tuning her thumb across my cheekbone.

I nod "What happened?" I ask "Well. He was surprisingly okay with us. Since it's not a written rule at this school. He only warned that I can't give you advantages on grades and stuff which is understandable of course and he also said that we should just keep it on the low since you're not 18 yet. Spencer is getting suspended and he's going to go to prison but you'll have to go to court with him about it." She explains and I nod still in shock. "What about me does something happen to my education and all that?" I ask in a slightly shaky tone. Yelena shakes her head "No. Nothing changes for us. You're safe now моя любовь (my love)" She says kissing my temple. I let out a breath. "Thank you" I whisper nuzzling my face into Yelena's shoulder her hand runs up and down my back a few times. I wrap my arms around her waist not wanting to let go.

I squeak in surprise when I get picked up. "Let's go sit down" she chuckles and I nod smiling up at her. She sits and lets me straddle her lap innocently. I cuddle into her and hum. "я тебя люблю (I love you)" I mumble into her neck. She chuckles lowly "я тоже тебя люблю (I love you too)" she says nudging against the side of my face with her nose.

I jump when I hear the sirens and yelling outside of my room. Yelena's grip tightens around my sides. She lightly shushes me once she hears me whimper at Spencer yelling my name. His howls of my name echo through the hall. "It's ok you're safe now Детка (baby), I've got you." She assures me and I shift impossibly closer. She kisses my cheek. "You can't get any closer любовь. (Love) " She chuckles lightly. I sigh.

The rest of the day is calm. I haven't let go of Yelena all day and she said she didn't mind. We laid on the couch all day and didn't really do much except for cuddle exchange kisses and binge-watch movies.

Sorry for all the Russian I'm having way to much fun with it lol

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