Birthday move-in

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After Nat left Yelena and I lay on the couch cuddling "What's that smirk for?" Yelena asks me and I chuckle "Nothing. I can't tell you or you'll be mad that I didn't tell you sooner." I confess "Why would I be mad?" She questions genuinely confused "Look it's not just terrible. After tomorrow we can be more open about us." I look up to see Yelena thinking about what the hell I meant.

The realization filled her face and she glared at me "It's your birthday tomorrow and you didn't think to tell me?!" She scolded lightly and I shrug "It's fine! I don't like my birthday anyway" I say and Yelena is unimpressed by my excuse "I'm sorry but I mean it's going to be a great birthday! We could do a birthday move in" I offer in defense and her lips curl into a sweet smile.

Me moving in makes her happy which also makes me smile. "I'll let it slide but we're still baking a cake!" She negotiates. I nod "We can bake my love" I agree and she gives me a sweet kiss and hugs me closer. "I love you," Yelena says out of the blue, it makes me smile "I love you too" I state.

The rest of the day is laid back and calm. The next morning I wake up to my girlfriend planting kisses all over my face which makes me giggle "good morning baby, happy birthday!" Yelena says when she notices that I'm awake "Good morning and thank you" I say between giggles while Yelena continues to shower my face and neck in kisses. I hold on to her waist and kiss her "Are you ready for your birthday move in?" She asks "I feel like you're more excited for my birthday than I am myself" I laugh "I might be, I'm very excited to start living with you! Once you get your driver's license it won't be as obvious since you'll be driving too!" She says and I look at her confused.

I don't have a car. "I'm getting you a car!" Yelena exclaims "What?! No! You can't get me a car, cars are so expensive!" I instantly turn her offer down. "Y/n don't worry about it, you don't know the digits in my bank account." She says proudly and I shake my head "I don't care I can't accept something that expensive!" I explain and Yelena just flops on top of me "Calm down. It's fine I want to buy you a car. I have enough money to buy a whole parking lot of cars Y/n." She tries to assure me but it kind of makes me more confused where would a teacher get all that money from?

She notices my confusion and sighs. "I worked alongside my sister for a while. Doing missions and stuff for Tony Stark. He pays a lot." She explains "Wait so you're also secretly some kind of assassin spy too?!" I question as it clicks in my head. She nods "That's so cool!" I offer and she shakes her head in response "C'mon let's go get your stuff" She says while bouncing up and down lightly in excitement and I nod "Ok let's go" I say as I get up.

After I get ready and eat the delicious fruit salad that Yelena made for us we head to my dorm with a few boxes. We pack up most of my stuff and stuff it all into Yelena's car and drive back to her place "I love this" Yelena declares while we drive back "What do you love?" I question "Well you but also this, all the commitments we're making." She explains and I hum in agreement "Me too" I decide which makes Yelena smile.

Once we're back and have gotten all of the boxes unpacked the place feels a lot more like ours instead of just Yelena's to me. It makes me feel very happy and all warm and fuzzy inside. "Are we baking the cake now?" Yelena asks and I shrug "We can if you want to," I say and she pouts at me I tilt my head in confusion at her "You've been agreeing to do everything I want to do all day! It's your birthday!" She says still pouting and I shrug "I don't mind, I wanted to do all those things too my love now let's go bake cake!" I offer and she offers me a smile in return. She grabs my hand and we head to the kitchen to make me a birthday cake. We end up making a red velvet cake with white cream cheese buttercream and a chocolate sprinkle border on the top and bottom. Yelena made a small batch of pink buttercream and wrote 'Happy Birthday my love' on top I found it sweet how she refused to write my name instead. I love her.

She found some candles and she stuck them onto the cake "Alright baby make a wish!" My lovely girlfriend says once she's done lighting them. I start thinking of one and come up with something that I wish for the most. 'I wish to marry Yelena one day.' With that thought repeating in my head I successfully blow out all of the candles with one breath. "I hope your wish comes true my love" Yelena states before pecking my lips. Yelena rushes off to get me a knife so I can cut the cake. Once it's cut we eat our slices and store the rest in the fridge.

We get comfy in bed and I snuggle up to Yelena "Thank you for one of the best birthdays ever love" I whisper into her chest. "Anything for you, I love you so much" she replies before kissing my forehead. "I love you so much too" I say with a smirk before dozing off after the eventful day.

Happy Birthday to me.

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