Confidence & issues

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The next morning I wake up in my very beautiful and might I add nude girlfriend's arms when the alarm goes off. I grumble and snuggle closer to her.

She turns to push the snooze button "10 more minutes like this." she huffs nuzzling her head into my shoulder. I hum. "We should've done this on a Friday." I decide and my girlfriend nods. "Yeah, but who says we can't fuck on Friday too?" She says bluntly her bluntness makes me giggle. We lay in each other's warmth for a while before I speak up "I love you but sadly we do have to get up now," I say right before the alarm goes off. "I love you too but how did you-" "Magic" I cut her off with a smirk.

In reality, it was an utter coincidence. She reaches her arm out and turns the alarm off. I crawl out of bed and manage to slip on underwear before Yelena wraps herself around me grabbing my butt playfully "good morning" she whispers in my ear before kissing my neck down to my shoulder a few times. "Любовь, у нас нет на это времени (Love, we don't have time for this)" I huff and quickly peck her lips before continuing to get dressed while Lena does the same.

Once we're dressed and have gotten ready we drive off in one car for the first time in ages. Once we arrive I feel my hands tremble a bit. I'm confident that I do want to do this but I'm still nervous about it.

Yelena slides her hand onto mine making me look up at her. "Are you sure you want to do this? We don't have to if you're not ready-" "I am. I- I do I want to do this and I am ready but regardless I am nervous I guess." I confess she pulls our intertwined hands up and kisses the back of mine. " It's gonna be fine. Are you ready to go?" She asks and I nod "Let's go then," she says and we step out of the vehicle and I strut up to her side clasping our hands together.

We walk into the school and suddenly all the whispers stop. Everyone is looking at us. We stop at Yelena's classroom and I kiss her "See you later." I say smiling at my girlfriend. "See you later." She replies.

Now everyone knows.

Everyone has seen.

The day passes swiftly this time without any stupid comments, remarks, slurs, or laughter. Once the bell rings I go wait out by Yelena's classroom it doesn't take long until my girlfriend comes out of the room I perk up and smile when I see her.

My smile fades when I see the tense look on her face. "Is everything ok?" I ask she doesn't respond she just grabs my wrist and we head to the car "My love what's wrong?" I ask but she keeps pulling toward the car. "L-Lena you're hurting me!" I whine and she lets go immediately but doesn't say anything. We get in the car and drive back in silence.

Once we're back she walks up to the apartment and I run after her. "Yelena, what's wrong?" I question grabbing a hold of her shoulders. She janks away making me flinch. She's never done that before and I haven't reacted to her like that since our first kiss. I let out a small wince and pull my hands away from her taking a step back.

"You shouldn't have kissed me midst in the hallway." She scolds. "But I just-" I start but quickly get cut off in a strict tone. "Mr. Lewis suspended me till next week." She blurts out.

My nightmare is coming somewhat true. She may not have been fired but she got suspended because of me. I suck in a breath and run past her. I need some fresh air.

I run outside of the apartment building there was a small park near the apartments I ran there. I get to a tree and sit on the ground leaning against it. My phone rings and I look at who's calling 'Lena❤' I don't pick up and my head slumps onto my knees. She got suspended because of me. It was my idea to hold hands and it was me who kissed her in front of the classroom.

I should stay at my dorm this week. She needs some space. I think.

I want to go back to this morning...

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