Past Traumas

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Quick A/N-
I'm going to write this chapter in 'I' so make sure to tell me which one you prefer and then I'll correct the previous ones if you prefer the 'I' 😇 ANYWAYY ONTO THE STORY!!

I feel my breath hitch when she's the one to move in closer to me. "Are you sure, like will I get kicked out again if I let you do this?" I question lowly surprising a giggle she just smiled at me releasing caged butterflies in my stomach.

Our lips molded together in pure bliss satisfying the itching crave we both had for each other. What was meant to be a simple kiss turned into a slightly heated make-out session which ended with Yelena exploring my mouth with her tongue and I pulled back.

Smirking when I hear her wince at the emptiness as she looked at me confused I keep the smug smile on my lips and whisper leaning toward her ear "Be patient Ms. Belova. Let me cook and we then may continue if you please." I uttered lowly into her ear before quickly pecking her cheek.
"You said that we'd cook together. I want to help instead of just letting you do everything." She said, gradually regaining her regular self.

I hum Yelena glances at me "I must warn you though, I'm horrible at cooking" I snicker to myself "Well would you look at how the tables have turned. The professor shall become the student tonight." I say with a smile. I hear her grumble lowly in remorse."Yelena stop feeling so embarrassed around me. I'm not going to shame you for being a lowsy cook." I chuckle
"Teach me then Ms.Y/l/n" she says as I smile at her regaining her confident self once more.

"Gladly. What would you like to eat?" I query  "You." Yelena states loud and clear. I knew she anticipated some flustered reaction and I'm simply not going to give it to her.
"Well, I've heard that I'm sweet so you'll have to wait for dessert. I'll correct myself you'll have to earn dessert" I state in confidence with a smug grin which makes her become slightly fazed at how her plan backfired on her.

"Is there anything you'd like to eat that is actual food tonight?" I ask very amused at her state. "Pasta?" She says "Again?" I mutter, she shrugs "I've been craving some of that chicken parmesan for the past month." She confesses which makes a small smile grow on my face knowing that she enjoyed the food I had made her all those weeks ago. "I need you to show me how to make some so I can make some for myself!" She says returning the grin.

I start to get ingredients that we'll be needing for the dish Yelena desired. I notice she was watching me but I try my best not to react and ignore her antics


Dinner was done and we were now sitting across from each other. "This is so good." Yelena grumbled. "Don't talk with your mouth full Lena." I state "Lena? You giving nicknames now?" Yelena asked with a smirk I just shrugged in response.

"Hey Y/n. Can I ask you something?" She asked her sudden change in tone worried me but I nodded letting her know that she could ask what she wanted to. "I uh...I wanted to know why you flinched when I raise my voice, it looked like you thought that I'd hit you last time." She explained I stayed silent. "Y/n you know that I wouldn't hit you, right?" She worried. I hesitate but nod anyway.

She continues to stand up and comes in front of me I stood up as well. I felt her warm hand cupping my cheek she held my face up so I'd look at her. "I would never hurt you. Ever." She said before placing a kiss on my forehead. I wrapped my hands around her hiding my face in her neck her fingertips grazed up and down my spine. "Do you mind telling me who hurt you?" she said quietly continuing to run her hand up and down my back. I felt my eyes well up with tears as the memories flooded back into my head. "M-my uhm... My parents..I started gathering proof against my parents when I was about 10 but I finally got away when I turned 15 and went to live with my grandparents." I wanted to turn my head away from her since I was sobbing.

She wiped the tears off my face, kissed me softly, and pulled me closer to her, she just held me for a while before breaking the silence. "Movie?" she asked quietly. I nod but instead of following her I start collecting the dirty dishes. As I place the dishes into the sink I feel hands around my waist "I'm not letting you dishes you cooked already." she kissed my cheek "c'mon I said that we're watching a movie! Don't worry sweetheart it's not going to be a horror movie" she says taking my hand.

"But-" I wanted to say that no one will do them later if I didn't and that it didn't bother me but I get shushed by Yelena "Shhh! No buts. You're the guest so why should you be doing the dishes?" I stop in my tracks "Will you let me do the damn dishes if I give you a kiss?" I say since that's the only thing I could come up with I wanted to do the dishes because doing housework like cleaning and cooking always calmed me down. "Fine." she huffed I gave her a small smile and peck her lips quickly and rushed back to the sink and started washing the dishes after a while I notice that it's grown to be very quiet that's when I feel a pair of arms snake around me I lean into Yelena's embrace, she kisses my jawline. "See? I'm almost done. Pick something to watch but not a horror movie please" I plead she nods and goes to the living room as I finish up with the dishes, I dry off my hands and walk into the living room.

"You wanna watch (Movie if your choice)?" She questioned I nod in response. I cuddle into her side as the movie begins, she shifts and I look up at her "The couch won't be so comfy I'll get you a change of clothes and extra pillows and blankets" she smiles "So I'm staying? I won't get kicked out tomorrow either?" I tease "Would you stop with the getting kicked out? I'm pretty sure that I made it clear enough that I won't kick you out however you could leave if you want to since you keep talking about it so much!" She says going to her bedroom "I'm going to stay then" I say grabbing a throw pillow to fill the gap that Yelena left when she went to get the things she listed.

It was quiet for a minute Yelena's voice breaking the silence "I see that I've been replaced by a pillow" she says smugly I make grabby hands toward her, she put all the pillows and blankets to the side and then took my hands. I snuggled back into her. "You're much better than a pillow".

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