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I wake up in Yelena's or should I say our bed at this point. I shiver and feel around for Yelena but quickly remember that she's at work today and tomorrow as well while I can sit around and just marinate in sadness.

Although last night was a pleasant distraction I do feel all the misery sink back into me and huff. I feel like shit. I huff as I roll out of the bed.

I crawl out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. I just stand there staring onto the wall for a while feeling numb again.

As soon as Yelena leaves I become a empty and numb corpse. When she's not here I feel miserable. What's going to happen to me once she does leave? All good things come to an end at some point. My happiness stems from one person. The one person that should be forbidden. Now that I think about it I don't think moving in with her won't be the best idea... I should figure out how to be happy without people. I can't believe it took my last family members' death for me to figure that out...

Yelena's POV

I finally finish off my last lesson for the day. Now all I want to do is drive home and cuddle with my lovely girlfriend.

The last students leave and I stuff all of my things into my bag and rush out of the room and go to lock the door when a student runs up to me saying that they forgot something so I let them back into the room huffing quietly to myself. It takes them 10 minutes to find whatever they forgot it's making me frustrated I could've been home by now.

Once they leave I lock the door and move toward the entrance when I get stopped by the schools principal. I groan quietly "How's Y/n holding up?" He asks "She's doing okay but I uh-  should get home to her." I answer respectively not wanting to share too much about my girlfriend without her consent. He nods understanding and waves me off so I can finally head out.

I get into my car and start driving but traffic is being a bitch so I'm getting even more tense and frustrated. After about 30 minutes I'm finally home and basically sprint up the stairs happy to finally be able to see my love. I walk in quietly but my mood quickly shifts when I suspect the place to be empty at first but I hear light sobs coming from the bedroom.

I quickly rush over to find Y/n curled up a pillow in her hands as she continues to sob into it. I walk over to lay next to her. "Hey, what's wrong, детка (baby)?" I whisper and carefully replace the pillow with myself. "I've just.. I've just been feeling like shit all day." She whimpers against my chest scooting closer. I hum "I'm sorry. Is there something I can do?" I question softly running my thumb across her cheekbone.

She shakes her head. "I wanted to talk to you though" she quietly chokes out. I feel my nerves skyrocket "Talk about what?" I ask cautiously scared of the answer for some reason. "About us... I just noticed something" She said her tone shaky. I nudge her nose with mine hoping it assures her and makes her less anxious.

Y/n's POV

I huff out a breath before proceeding. "I..I realized that my happiness is a person and whenever you're not around I feel like shit. So I'm sort of scared to move in" I confess and she let's out a breath and smiles placing her hands on my face and pulls me into a kiss. "Не пугайте меня так! (Don't scare me like that!)" She lightly scolds pulling me into her.

All my insecurities subside and I slightly wince snuggling my face into her neck. She rubs my back and places a few kisses on my head. "Can we order something for dinner tonight? I really don't feel like cooking and I know you don't feel like it either." I ask and she nods "Sure baby find something you'd like to eat, I don't really mind what but I'm going to go shower because I stink." She declares pecking my lips a few times before slipping out of the room and into the bathroom.

I get my phone to look at some places that deliver near us since I wasn't up for waiting hours on food. I decide on chinese since that isn't far away and is delicious so I order food and after 20 minutes Yelena steps out of the bathroom sighing at being clean and not sweaty anymore.

She gets dressed and once our food arrives we sit and eat in a comfortable silence after we've eaten we brush our teeth and settle in bed. "Will you be alright by yourself tomorrow?" Yelena asks quietly and I nod against her sternum and hum answering her question. "Are you sure?" She makes sure and I hum again my eyes have already grown droopy so I keep them closed. Yelena kisses my lips a few times and I scoot in closer falling asleep comfortably.

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