Chapter One

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Madara let out a long sigh and extended his arms over his head letting out a small yawn from his mouth. "Another long night at the office again...", he said as he looked at the clock to check how long he had been there.

The clock read 11 p.m.

He sighed and got his paper work put together in a neat pile before grabbing his coat to head home already. He reached towards the light switch and flicked the lights in his office off before pulling out a key to lock his door once he had gone out.

Madara had decided to take one more look around the office to make sure no one had left anything behind. While looking around the office he had noticed a bag was still there and he walked up to the desk, the computer was still opened. He looked around and had seen the bathroom light was on and questioned why someone would still be there so late.

The sound of a toilet flushing was heard and Madara had stared at the door to see who would come out. [Your name] had walked out of the bathroom and patted her clothes to dust them off, she looked up and made eye contact with Madara and gasped in a panic. Madara stared at the girl for a second, 'Oh it's [Your Name] [Your last Name], she is usually here late but not this late' he thought to himself.

"Oh uhm Mr. Uchiha I hadn't realized you were still here my apologies I was finishing up some paper work that I hadn't finished today, I'll be out of here in about an hour or so!", she quickly ran over to her desk and started typing quickly on the computer.

Madara leaned over her shoulder and stared at the computer, "Isn't this someone elses work? I don't remember assigning this paperwork to you". [Your name] looked at Madara and started to panic, "U-Uhh yeah a couple of co-workers had asked me to help them out but-".

He stood up straight and put his jacket on, "Ms. [Your last name] you can go home... leave the work there I will take care of it tomorrow". He pressed the button on the monitor to turn off the computer and began to walk away. "See you in the morning, don't be late...", he said softly as he walked towards the exit of the building leaving [Your name] in shock.


A meeting was held that morning called by Madara. "So it has come to my attention that not everyone here is doing what they are supposed to be doing...", he looked over the workers in the meeting room and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "And I do know exactly who isn't doing what I write down everything that needs to be done and by whom... so I will let everyone off with a warning and if the work isn't done by tonight I will easily be able to replace anyone in this office", he sounded stern like a boss was supposed to.

He looked over to [Your name] and his eyes softened just for a moment for her to notice. She blushed at his kindness, 'Why am I blushing?!'. She gently pinched her arm to bring herself back to reality.

The meeting was concluded and everyone began to walk out. "[Your name] stay back I would like to speak with you....", his words were a little cold but not in a hateful way just in a way a boss would talk to his workers. [Your name] nodded and waited for the room to clear, the door closed and she smiled over to her boss, "Thank you so much Mr. Uchiha but I wasn't being forced to do their work I volunteered to help them out".

He sat in his chair and crossed his legs, "I didn't do it for you, It would be unbeneficial to me if one of my good employees were to be overworked and get stressed and it would be hectic without your expertise around...". [Your name] looked down a bit and wanted to say something but he was right.

"However as you said keyword 'help them', not 'do it for them' right?", he said once he noticed [Your name] make a sort of sad expression. He sighed gently and looked at his computer, "Well I just wanted to tell you if anything comes up... don't be afraid to come ask me for help. I do noticed your devotion to this job, you have a very good work ethic and I would say one of my top employees...", he paused for a moment and looked at her.

She was staring at him in shock, "O-Oh... Mr. Uchiha I am very grateful you think that but I am hardly good enough for your praise!". For a moment the two were silent, Madara felt a slight tingle in his chest when he saw such a beautiful smile from his employee. [Your name] smiled happily and walked over to the door, "W-Well thank you Mr. Uchiha I will continue working for today! Let me treat you to some food or some drinks sometime as a thank you for today!".

[Your name] had walked back over to her desk, however she did take notice of all the employees who had asked for her help the day before were silently speaking about her and looking at her. She sighed softly and went back over to her desk to continue her work.

This wasn't really a concern to her, she was more concerned over the fact that she had invited her boss out just before she left that room. She lightly blushed at the thought, 'Did It sound like I invited him on a date or something?!', she thought to herself while shaking her head.

After [Your Name] had walked out and closed the door Madara had thought about her offer and smiled a bit at the thought, 'It's not often I would say yes to someone invitation out but I do enjoy her company more than others...'.

Madara then stared at his desk and furrowed his brows. 'Why did I feel weird during our conversation for a moment...? Could I be coming down with an illness?', he pulled out his phone and then made a call to his doctor for an appointment.

Mr. Uchiha ( CEO Madara x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now