Chapter Four

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The next few days the two didn't speak to one another, not because of what happened but because the company had some major set backs that made them both busy.

"Hey! [your name] could you hand this over to Mr. Uchiha, I have some other work to do!", the woman handed her a stack of papers and ran off just as quickly as she spoke. [Your name] didn't even have the time to blink before she ran off, with a deep breath she walked over to his office and knocked on the door.

"Come in", his voiced echoed in her ears making her recall the events the other day. She took one more deep breath and walked inside, the two made eye contact and [your name] left the papers on his desk and bowed slightly before turning around. 

"Ms. [Last name] we need to speak once everyone leaves the office... please stay back I need to have a word with you..", he said softly while looking at her from the back. [Your name] mumbled some words that Madara couldn't hear and quickly left back to her work.

He quickly stood up but then sat back down, "I can't force her to stay..". He sighed softly and went back to work on his paperwork. 

[A few hours later]

The office was now empty besides the two of them and they both typed on their computers until the clock struck 11pm. The two got up and Madara quickly walked over to [your name], "Listen... [your name] I've been wanting to speak with you...". That was the first time Madara had said her first name, she blushed when he spoke, "W-What do you want to talk about?". 

Madara looked around and slowly walked over to her before gently caressing her cheek, "I made a mistake that night, I was trying to get over the fact that we couldn't be together... and not to mention the fact I couldn't handle the thought that you didn't feel the same way about me...". He looked into her eyes and lifted her chin upwards, "please tell me how you feel about me... the suspense is burning me from the inside".

[Your name]'s eyebrows furrowed and she moved his hand away from her face, "Of course I like you back you idiot! You're practically perfect! But you're my boss, and I am just an office worker that lives in a tiny apartment". Madara's eyes widened a bit and he chuckled softly, "Remember I told you this on out first ride together, I am just a person... that applies to you as well... I don't care about your status...". 

He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close, "and the other girl from the other night meant nothing to me... I was just trying to forget about you... but after I realized it couldn't just be anyone...". [Your name] was still mad about what he did but decided to make him work for it.

"Well.... if you want me to forgive you I think you need to do something to win me over again", she said half jokingly. Madara nodded and gently grabbed her hand, "don't worry I will do everything in my power to win you over again". 

[The next morning]

[Your name] walked out of the elevator and went into the office in a happy mood, it was a Friday so the next day she would be free to relax at home. She walked over to her desk and noticed a group formed around her area, "Whats going on?". "You got something delivered to you a few moments ago", a co-worker said pointing over to the desk. She walked over and saw a beautiful bouquet of flowers of all her favorite colors, a small note on the bouquet read "This is just the start -M".

Quickly she looked over to Madara's office where he was quietly working on his paperwork. He looked up for a moment and smiled towards her for a moment. [Your name] quickly got flustered and moved the flowers to the corner of her desk to continue her work. 'He still needs to do more than just this', she looked at the flowers and blushed once again.

Mr. Uchiha ( CEO Madara x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now