Chapter Three

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[The next morning at the Office]

[Your name] walked into the office and sat on her spinning chair with a small sigh as she recalled last nights events. 

The night before Madara had confessed his feelings for [Your name] but quickly shut himself down before she could have the chance to respond. "I may have feelings for you... but as you know  relationships aren't permitted at the office, and as the CEO it wouldn't be a good example if I was lead astray from company rules", he said while taking his hand off her arm.

After that he drove her to his house and was shown a room to sleep in and a spare bathroom, Madara wasn't seen the rest of the night or the morning. By the time [your name] had woken up the house was empty except for a note with some spare clothes for her to wear to the office. The note read ' wear these to the office, I already went on ahead there is some coffee and breakfast in the kitchen '. 

She sighed at her computer screen, she didn't even have the chance to reply to him because of what he said. 'How do I even feel about him...', she thought to herself. While she did her work Madara worked quietly in his office also reflecting on last nights events.

The boss let out a long sigh as he looked over his work, 'I didn't even give her the opportunity to respond... it's not like I was scared of rejection.... it's just the rules prohibit relations...'. He then pressed a hand to his forehead, 'Idiot you don't even know if she likes you back...', he thought to himself. 

With a sigh the two continued their work until the day was over and had not interacted the rest of their time there.

[At the Bar]

Madara had went over to a bar near by his home and was drinking some scotch contemplating what to do. He had left early so he wouldn't run into [your name] on the way out like usual. 

A woman had sat next to Madara and twirled her hair around her finger, "Hey you're Mr. Uchiha right?~". Madara looked to the woman next to him, she was a fairly skinny woman that had nice curves and a small waist, she wore a skinny black tube top dress that barely covered her ass. "What do you want...?", he murmured under his breath. 

"Oh don't be so cold Mr. Uchiha... I heard you can give a girl a good time~ What do you say indulging me for the night?~", she said while she stroked his tie with her finger tips. Madara sighed gently and took one last chug of his scotch before he stood up and left money for the tab. "Hurry up... I will have you know I'm not really in a good mood right now so you cannot back out after we leave this building....".

[A few hours later, (your name)'s Apartment] 

[Your name] sighed and dropped her work shoes on the floor and laid on her bed. She looked at the clothes she was wearing and took off the blazer smelling the scent of Madara emanating from it. She took in the smell and sighed gently to herself, 'he is a very good looking man... he is also very intelligent...'. 

She quickly jumped off her bed and looked towards her phone that was laying on the bed. "Alright! I will call him and tell him how I feel! I've decided!", she grabbed her phone and started to dial his number but quickly stopped herself. "Well he left early what if he had plans today...", she stared at her phone and shook her head. "No! I'll do it!", she dialed the number and waited for him to pick up. 

Madara picked up the phone after a few rings, "Hello..?". He sounded a bit winded like if he had just went on a jog. "Uhm... Mr. Uchiha I would like it if maybe we could talk tomorrow, I have something I would like to sa-", before she could finish her sentence on the other side she heard a womans voice.  

"Mhmm?~ Are you on the phone? Come back to bed with me...~", the voice said softly. Madara growled under his breath, "Shut up woman this is an important phone call". Once [your name] had heard that she felt a pain in her chest, "I-Im sorry to bother you so late at night Mr. Uchiha ignore what I said, I'll see you at work!" "Wait-" and then she hung up the phone. 

Immediately [your name] began to tear up and sat on the floor clutching her phone in her hand. "Huh ... w-why am I...?", she wiped her tears and buried her face in her hands.

"Wait-!", Madara heard the beeping coming from his phone and knew she had heard everything. He looked over to the naked woman in his bed and narrowed his brows, "get out...". "But why-" "I SAID GET OUT!", he yelled. The woman scurried out of the bed and started to put her clothes on before grabbing her shoes to leave.

Madara waited for the woman to leave and had put on his boxers before laying in his bed and staring at the ceiling regretting ever going to the bar. He let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes. 

Mr. Uchiha ( CEO Madara x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now