Chapter Six

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[The Next Afternoon/ Madara's Office]

[Your name] had been waiting outside of Madara's office for about fifteen minutes, he was talking to a man that looked just like him but slightly younger than him. He was very good looking, but not as good looking as [your name's] boyfriend Madara. 

Moments later the man emerged from the office with Madara by his side, [your name] stood up straight and smiled at the younger male. "Ms. [Your last name] this is Izuna, he will be your new manager in the floor prior to this one, you will be doing everything that you do here but for their department". The man called Izuna walked up to her with a slight smile on his face while extending a hand towards her, "Hello [your last name] I'm Izuna Uchiha, Madara's younger brother, it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance".  'Younger brother?', she thought to herself 'I wonder why he never mentioned him?'. "OH! No the pleasure is mine", she grabbed his hand back. With a firm grip he shook her hand and gently released it, "Alright so if you follow me to the elevator I will take you to your new work space", he said as he walked away.

[Your name] smiled at Izuna and nodded, she looked back towards Madara and blushed slightly, "W-Well I best get going Mr. Uchiha...". Quickly she spun on her heels and began to head towards the elevator, but was stopped by a hand holding onto her arm. "When you are done you come to my office at the end of the day alright?", Madara had said gently enough for no other ears to hear. [Your name] blushed and looked around to make sure no one was listening and nodded, "Y-Yes sir". Izuna stared at the two and rolled his eyes, 'how are they supposed to keep this under wraps when they flaunt it so openly' he thought to himself as he shook his head. "EHEM! Ms. [your last name] it's time to get going", Izuna said as he watched the elevator door open. Madara immediately released her arm from his grasp and cleared his throat, "Ah yes... I will see you later then Ms. [Your last name]". [Your name] quickly bowed and ran over to the elevator, she walked into the confined space with Izuna and watched as the elevator doors closed shut blocking Madara from their view.

The elevator ride was quiet until Izuna decided to speak up, "So... how did you manage to woo my brother, he is not an easy man to please" he chuckled as he leaned his back against the wall. "Well to be honest it's a weird story haha...", she reflected on the past few weeks and recalled how they just had a simple boss/worker relationships till a few weeks ago. Izuna arched his brow, he was about to ask another question but the elevator door had opened to reveal a small and disorganized office space. 

[Your name] looked around to see there was only about four desk, an office door and a small table on the side, the room was a bit cramped but not something she couldn't handle. "So I know this isn't THE MADARA UCHIHA'S royal fancy office space but since Human Resources is considered the NOT important portion of this company we don't have much budget for our little group here", he sighed and walked over to the desk. There sat two woman and a man, "But you will love it here....! Alright let me introduce you to your new desk mates", Izuna said with a big smile as he walked over to the small group. 


[Late Afternoon]

By the time [your name] got accustomed to everything her eyes drifted over to the clock, it was 10 p.m this was around the time the employees had already gone home. Her new co-workers had already left moments earlier, she got up from her desk and went over to the door across the room and knocked. "Mr. Uchiha I finished the papers for today", she said as she opened the door to see Izuna doing some work on him computer. Izuna didn't move his gaze from the computer, "Mhn.. just go ahead and leave them on the desk there... you can head out already I know my brother is waiting for you". [Your name] blushed and nodded, she gently placed the papers onto the desk and bowed before leaving towards the elevator.

She grew impatient as she saw the elevator doors close, watching the number change from the 11th floor to the 12th. Adjusting her uniform and fixing her hair she watched as the doors opened, as she expected everyone in her department had already left. She walked over to Madara's office and knocked softly. "Come in.." the voice was deep but comforting, she walked in and saw Madara standing up from his chair. The room was dimly lit, you almost couldn't even tell where he was until he spoke up, "Do me a favor and lock the door behind you Ms. [Your last name] we don't need any outside disruptions". 

A bright red blush came across her face as she did what she was told, she locked the door and stood there nervous to really do anything else. Madara made his way over to her and gently rested his forehead against hers, "How was your day my love?". This made every hair on [your names body] stand up, she gulped lightly before responding, "It was a bit difficult adjusting to the different style of work that they do but it's the same as up here... it was pretty okay but", she bit her lip gently. "I really wished I could have seen you like I did everyday Mr. Uchiha", she said while looking slightly away from the gaze he had on her. The man felt a tingle erupt inside his chest, he stared into her eyes wishing he could take in every bit of her body right now. Madara let out a low chuckle and placed his right hand on her cheek, "Don't look away princess.. I want to see every expression of yours regardless if you want me to or not...". [Your names] face became dark red, as she looked Madara back in his eyes maintaining the eye contact he had with her.

Madara gently wrapped his left arm around her waist pulling her closer to his body, his fingertips gently caressed over her features. "May I?" he said not breaking any contact they had with each other. Madara usually wasn't one to ask for consent, not because he didn't want to but it was usually the girls who had to ask him for it. [Your name] nodded shyly, Madara's face came closer to hers as he pressed his lips against her soft ones. The moment felt like an eternity of bliss, they both kissed for what seemed like hours before a knock was heard on the door. [Your name] immediately withdrew from the kiss and began to panic. Madara let out a small sigh, mostly annoyed from the disruption from the twos moment. 

From the other side of the door Madara heard a familiar voice, "Hey you two can't lock the door you know... I just came to let you guys know the building is gonna be locked up soon so you better finish up what your doing in there...". It was Izuna. Madara let out one last sigh and went back over to his desk, "Alright I guess that means we should get out of here huh?". With a slight smile he began to grab his items and place them into his brief case. [Your name] was still in awe over the feelings of their lips touching one another. "Y-Yes ... L-Lets go..", she blushed while turning back to open the door revealing a Izuna with his arms crossed like a doting parent.

"You two are lucky it wasn't our father".

Mr. Uchiha ( CEO Madara x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now