Chapter Twelve

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"[Your name]?". 

Tobirama almost fell at the sight of her, he was so hopelessly head over heels for her, but he could never let her know that. "What are you doing here don't you know what kind of person my brother is?", he said with a slightly worried tone standing in front of her.

"He hasn't tried anything has he?", he said softly to her. [Your name] shook her head, "not that I would let him.." she was a bit confused of his kindness towards her. She was the girlfriend of his competitor why would he show any kindness? Especially hearing the type of people they were from Madara.

Tobirama placed some documents on Hashirama's desk [your name] got a quick glimpse and her eyes widened a bit. 

"Hashirama I will be showing her out...", he grabbed her wrist gently and pulled her towards the elevator.

Hashirama was already on the phone flirting with another woman by the time they got to the elevator. The elevator doors closed on the two and Hashirama complained, "no honey we won't be having a special guest like I thought she's quite boring".


The elevator ride was fairly quiet but the documents didn't leave her mind. She was going to tell Madara as soon as she got out.

"You saw the documents... obviously I knew you would, go tell Mr. Uchiha so that he can report my brother they are forged documents, he messed with some numbers for our sales to look like they increased... ever since my brother returned he's just been goofing off and pretending to do work... that's not how I run my part of the business" he said softly while handing her a paper with the information. 

"Why are you helping us?" she said softly as she grabbed the paper. 

The elevator door opened as he stepped out and looked back at her. "I want to own a proud place that does it's business accordingly, even if my brother owns this company I own a larger share of this building since he is usually overseas... he will be forced to step down from his position here if someone does something about it..". He was about to walk away from her without another word.

"Then why not do it yourself?" she stepped off the elevator, "and why give it to me?".

He stopped in his tracks and looked back at her, he wanted to say so much, how beautiful, talented and smart of a person she was even though this wasn't her brightest moment to waltz in here completely unguarded. 

He clenched his fist a bit thinking about how undeserving Madara Uchiha was of such a glorious woman. He internally cursed at himself for not meeting her sooner. 

"You are in the accounting department are you not? You would be able to find the correct numbers..." he simply said and walked towards a personnel only area.

She looked down at the papers, he was right this was all their sales, a lot of numbers did not add up something simple others would look over but this was literally her job to calculate the correct numbers.

Quickly she ran out the building immediately bumping into a much taller figure falling down to the ground. 

It was Madara! He was huffing and puffing it looked like he had ran all the way over. The food she had bought him though it was already cold had spilt all of the ground beside her.

"What the hell were you thinking?!", he grabbed her by the arm and yanked her back up dragging her back towards his company. He was fuming with rage, but that was also fighting alongside his worry for her. 

[Your name]'s eye widened he had never yelled at her before, she could tell how much he cared but it was frightening.

"I just wanted to-" she was interrupted. "Save it.. don't speak till we return" he said sternly.

The whole rest of the walk was silent she kept the paper held close to her chest waiting to tell him the news. Finally they arrived at the parking garage of their building, he took her over to the passenger side of his car. "Get in", he said before walking over to his side to get in as well.

The two got inside the car, Madara quickly looked over to [your name] quickly scanning over her body and gently caressing her cheek and let out a heavy sigh, "I don't know what you were thinking, but it looks like he didn't touch you".

He was simply worried more so than angry, she smiled at his words.

"Madara... I got their numbers! Tobirama spoke to me.. he said that we could possibly get Hashirama to resign with this!" she handed him the papers.

"You-" he looked at the papers a read it over a few times, "Bastard... I knew they wouldn't be able to catch up to us that fast he was crunching the numbers... he could be imprisoned for this.." he said leaning back into his chair. 

[Your name] was very relieved, she was glad things were sort of back on track, this was the first solid conversation they had since the other night about moving in with one another and she was glad that they got past that.

"You said... Tobirama gave you these... he didn't-" "No! He was very professional... he said he wanted to own a proper business he wants our help to get Hashirama out...".

"I see..." Madara silently looked over the papers once again, "Can you give me the correct numbers and I will take it from there" he was ready to start this affair with Hashirama it was a long time coming he thought to himself.

[Your name] nodded, "of course". But after that things went back to an awkward silence.

The two sat there for a moment, " know it's okay, I can wait for you to be ready I know you think you aren't good enough for me but that's not what matters... I know what I want... and it's you [your name] and if it takes weeks, months, years I will wait for you to finally realize that..." he said with a slight smile.

"We can talk about it when your ready... let me drive you home".

He turned on his car and began to back out of the parking space.

[Your name] took in his words and gripped onto her bottoms gently. "M-Maybe... when all this Hashirama business is over we... can talk about it". A blush heavily made its way onto her face. 

She had been thinking about it the past couple days, and she knew her fear wouldn't just go away on it's own she had to just try it. If she didn't she would live in fear of it. 

Madara's eyes widened slightly and he continued his way to her home he could tell she was still skeptical but knew that she was willing to try, "and so we shall...". He smiled softly.

Mr. Uchiha ( CEO Madara x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now