Chapter Thirteen - Valentines Edition (Not Cannon)

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// WOW ISN'T IT CRAZY I feel like it was just yesterday I wrote Chapter Seven the first Valentines Edition! Thank you all so much for the support on this story as I said very appreciative and I promise I will update as soon as I can! But for now please enjoy the Valentines CEO Madara Story!!! --trashcangee //


"[Your name] there are some chocolates waiting at your desk for you, we will be heading out! See you next week!", the other employee had quickly walked out after what she said.

She looked over at her desk, there were four boxes of chocolates given to her by the others in her department, she smiled at how kind they were she was still sad though her boyfriend Madara hadn't given her anything yet. He was quite the secret romantic all the time but today he was MIA.

Collecting the items on her desk she placed them into her bag ready to head home when her phone buzzed.

['Meet me in my office I have a surprise for you'  the text read.]

She quickly gathered her belongings and rushed over to the elevator. [Your name] was excited, earlier she had brought him a homemade vanilla cake and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She couldn't wait to see what he got her in return.


Once off the elevator she was relieved to see that everyone had gone home with their lovers for the day, she knew Madara wouldn't do much if there were others around the office.

She gently knocked on his door waiting for a response, but it was followed by silence. "Mr. Uchiha?", she walked inside and closed the door behind her. It was pretty dark inside, the blinds had been shut and all the lights were off except the two candles lit besides his desk.

Madara was sitting in his seat and slowly got up walking over to her without so much as a greeting, he gently placed a hand on her hip and pulled her closer to himself. He used his free hand to grab her items and gently place them on the ground besides her.

He leaned into her ear and gently pushed aside her hair behind her ear with his free hand and whispered softly, "I have quite a surprise in store for you [your name]". She blushed at his words, this isn't what she expected but she wasn't about to complain.

[Your name] felt her insides doing flips from just the small amount of contact they were making, until he decided to slip a hand up her skirt pushing the fabric upwards exposing her panties.

"White?" he chuckled, "that's only for pure people my dear... we've done some very inappropriate things don't you agree?" he said as he gently made his way up her thighs.

[Your name] shivered at his big hands making their way up her legs, she bit her lips to muffle the moans she wanted to make.

Madara gently pulled his hands away and lifted her in his arms, he walked over to his desk and moved some paperwork to the side to allow some space for her to sit. He gently placed a kiss on her forehead and made his way over to her neck leaving small kisses down to her collar bone before gently whispering once again in her ear.

"The cake from this morning was delicious but I think there is something quite sweeter that I would like a taste over" he said with a small chuckled before gently gently down to his knees in front of her.

He pulled her legs open, causing [your name] to gasp at the sudden movement. "Right down here I think is the best sweet I could have~" he said while gently pushing her panties to the side.

[Your name] blushed from embarrassment he was staring right at her, she bit her lip "Madara... please this is-".

"Embarrassing? Don't be embarrassed my dear.. I simply just want you to enjoy the moment".

That being said he leaned in and began to lick at her folds. [Your name] gripped onto Madara's hair softly and bit her lips.

He gently moved his hands up her thigh and began to massage her lower area with his thumb as he tasted her.

"A-Ahh~ Madara... t-that's... mmhf-" she placed her hand over her mouth holding back the screams from the wonders his tongue was doing to her.

He pulled away just for a second, "don't hold back I love hearing your wonderful noises" he said softly before going back to his task.

She gently placed her hand to the side and let out hitched breaths with each movement he did.

[Your name] could feel herself slowly coming to her end, "A-Ahhh~ Madara just a bit more~" she moaned out.

Madara quickly began to lick faster, he moved his finger side to side waiting for her to get to her high. She grabbed onto his head and began to buck her hips to quicken the pace.

After a few more moments she felt it, he body began to quiver and shake as she moaned out his name "M-Madara~".

With a few pants it finally sunk in what they had just done, she looked down at him and blushed furiously. Madara licked his lips and chuckled, "and your gift is waiting down stairs in the car".

Mr. Uchiha ( CEO Madara x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now